Mar 27, 2022
packed = informal way to say EXTREMELY full of activity
pull that off = manage to do something very difficult
I was short on time = I had very little time
get down to business = start working seriously, without procrastinating or wasting time or effort
an all-nighter = a time when I stayed awake the entire night
rough day = a very difficult and unpleasant day. Another similar expression is replying “That’s rough” when someone tells you about difficulties, obstacles, and things that are hard to endure.
on the verge of + ____ing = very close to taking some action. In this case, the man is so frustrated with his job that he is very close to quitting (leaving his job)
You’re kidding = you are joking, you are not serious. We often say this in response to something that is so surprising/shocking that we wonder if it is really true.
How come? = an informal way to say “Why?”
Don’t get me wrong = Don’t misunderstand me. We often say this informal expression when we are talking about something that could give the wrong impression, and we want to clarify things.
hands-down = definitely, unquestionably, without a doubt
worried sick = extremely worried (about anything, not just medical problems)
He’s stable = this expression is used when someone in a hospital is in OK condition and not having an emergency at the moment
not out of the woods yet = the problems or difficult times are not yet finished
I can’t make up my mind = I can’t decide
major in = study primarily at university. Your main concentration of study is called your “major.” It can also be used as a verb, ex) I majored in biology.
overthink = think too much. The prefix over- can be used for an action that is done to excess, more than is appropriate/necessary.
go with your gut = follow your intuition / deep natural feelings
I can’t believe = I’m extremely surprised
my car died = my car stopped functioning. The word “died” is used informally for machines that stop working.
tricks of the trade = special skills or
knowledge of a
hit the road = start traveling
What are you up to? = What are you
currently doing / planning to do?
I’m game! = I’m willing to do that! You can also say “I’m down!”
at the crack of dawn = very early in the morning, when the sun is beginning to rise
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