
Feb 27, 2022

VERB + (으)ㄹ 거예요, -보다 더, -고 오다

1️⃣. Tense (future) VERB + (으)ㄹ 거예요 = I will VERB - Used to express future plan or intention. - Means the same as 'will' or 'be going to' in English. - It is formed by adding (으)ㄹ 거예요 to the verb stem. 예) 방학에 한국에 갈 거예요 I'll visit South Korea during my vacation 2️⃣ Conjecture Adj/Verb + (으)ㄹ 거예요 - Used to express speaker's supposition based on personal experience OR - something seen or heard that provides a basis for the belief. - equivalent to 'think' or 'will' in english 예) 7시니까 미카 씨는 벌써 퇴근했을 거예요. I think Mika has already left work because it's 7:00

📚Conjugation ✏ Adj/Verbs ending with ㄹ or vowel = ㄹ 거예요 예) 알다 + ㄹ 거예요 = 알 거예요 You will know 마시다 + ㄹ 거예요 = 마실 거예요 ✏ Adj/Verbs ending with consonants = 을 거예요 예) 먹다 + 을 거예요 = 먹을 거예요

❗(으)ㄹ 게요 vs (으)ㄹ 거예요 i. 을게요 only can be with the first person as a subject while -을 거예요 can be with the first, second and third person. ii. 을게요 only is used as a statement while -을 거예요 can be used for a statement, question. iii. 을게요 only can be with verbs while 을 거예요 can be with adjectives when it has a meaning of prediction. Notes 📝 - When you use -을게요, there must be a listener who you give a commitment because -을게요 expresses ‘commitment‘. So it is not just a future tense, but it is a ‘promise‘

✅Conjugation Practice Verb 동사 보다 주다 만나다 공부하다 살다 마들다 입다 받다 씻다 듣다 Adjectives 형용사 바쁘다 시원하다 덥다 가깝다 길다 멋있다 춥다 힘들다

A. Comparisons Noun + 보다 더 = more than Noun - Indicates the word preceding it is the standard from which a comparison will be made. 예) 사과보다 딸기를 더 좋아해요. I like strawberry more than apple. 📚 여름 vs 겨울 여름과 겨울 중에 뭐가 더 좋아해요? Between summer and winter, which one do you like more? 산 vs 바다 바다ㅇㅇ 산을 ㅇ 좋아해요? Do you like sea **** **** mountain? 펜 vs 연필 일기 쓸 때 펜이 많이 써요, 연필이 많이 써요? When writing a diary, you often use pen or pencil?

B. Sequence Verb + 고 오다 = to come after Verb-ing - Indicates a sequence where when action A finish, action B will take place. E.g. 씻다 + 고 오다 = 씻고 오다 Come after (you finished) showering Practice 일하다 자다 공부하다 만들다 읽다

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