
Mar 27, 2022

Useful Phrases for giving advice or warning ⚠️

Useful Phrases for warning or advising someone 1.beware VERB used to warn someone of danger or difficulty 2.watch it PHRASE used for telling someone to be careful 3.look before you leap PHRASE used for advising someone to think carefully before doing something 4.too many cooks (spoil the broth) PHRASE used for saying that something may be done badly if too many people try to do it together 5.it’s a good idea to do something PHRASE used for giving someone advice about what they should do 6.you can’t be too careful PHRASE used for saying that it is important not to take risks 7.don’t you dare PHRASE used for telling someone not to do something, when you are warning them that you will be very angry if they do it 8.if I were you PHRASE used when giving someone advice 9.be careful what you wish for (it might just happen) PHRASAL VERB used for telling someone to think carefully about the changes that they would like in their life, as they might not make them any happier 10.better safe than sorry PHRASE used for saying that you should behave carefully, even if this seems difficult or unnecessary, so that you will not have problems later 11.curiosity killed the cat PHRASE used for warning someone that something dangerous or harmful could happen to them because they are too interested in things that do not concern them 12.discretion is the better part of valour PHRASE FORMAL used for saying that it is better not to take too many risks 13.don’t count your chickens (before they’re hatched) PHRASE used for telling someone not to make plans that depend on the success of something until they are certain that it is successful 14.don’t hold your breath PHRASE used for telling someone not to expect something to happen because it probably will not 15.don’t try this at home PHRASE used for warning someone not to try to do something that you are showing them. This phrase is often used by television presenters. 16.end in tears PHRASAL VERB if a situation ends in tears, people involved in it become disappointed or angry 17.give someone an inch (and they’ll take a mile/yard) PHRASE used for saying that if you agree to give someone something that they want, they will then want to take more 18.go easy on/with something PHRASE used for telling someone not to use, eat, or drink too much of something 19.heads will roll PHRASE used for saying that people will be severely punished for something, often by losing their jobs 20.if you know what’s good for you PHRASE used for warning someone that they should do something if they do not want something bad to happen to them it’ll (all) end in tears PHRASE used for warning someone that what they are doing will have a very bad or unhappy result 21.keep a civil tongue in your head PHRASE used for telling someone not to be rude

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