Jun 25, 2022
Thought Provoking Questions
When was the last time you did something new?
What was it? What prompted you? How did it make you feel? Will you do it again?
What life lesson did you have to learn the hard way? What was your attitude before learning this lesson and how did you grow after learning the lesson?
In life what makes you exited and why?
What's the most sensible thing you have ever herd someone say? Did it have a impact on your life and if so what kind of a impact did it have on you?
What do you wish you spent more time, doing 5 years ago?
What are you able to do today that you weren't able to do a year ago.
Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or a sign of strength? and why do you say so?
What's the difference between living and existing?
What's the one thing in this world you wish you could do? What's preventing you from doing it?
If you can't do it now then when?
If you could pass on some wisdom from past experiences what would it be?
What does a better quality of life mean to you?
What's the one thing you are holding on to that you should have let go of a long time?
What is the one thing that makes you smile and why?
What does awareness mean to you?
What does presence mean to you?
How can you create a better quality of life for yourself?
What improvements do you see in your life 5 years from now?
What is your point of view regarding marriage?
What is your ideal partner like?
Are Single People Happier than Married people?
What are pro's and cons of being Married?
What are the pros and cons of being single?
What do we all have in common besides our genes that makes us human?
What's something that you know you do differently from other people?
What is one bad habit or character trait that you have? And would like to change.
If making the world a better place was up to you what would you do to Lead by example so the rest can follow suit?
Which activities make you loose track of time? Do these activities assist you in advancing yourself? oe do they just make you procrastinate?
If you had to teach something? What would you teach?
If you had the opportunity to get a message to large masses of people? What would your message be and why?
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