Feb 20, 2022
The Frog Prince
EXCHANGE - to give something for another thing in return
"I exchanged my foreign money for American dollars."
YOUTH - a time in people's lives when they are young
"My mother wanted to be a nurse in her youth."
TRIBE - a group of people who live in the same culture
"There's a small tribe of people who live in the mountains of Spain."
SCULPTURE - a piece of art that is made from wood, clay, or stone
"We saw an old sculpture of Buddha at the museum."
PROTEST - to argue about something with someone
"The people protested the decision of the president."
PERMIT - to let someone do something
"I was sick, so my mother permitted me to stay home from school."
PALACE - a very large building often the home of a royal family
"The king and queen live in a beautiful palace."
MOOD - the way someone is feeling
"I am in a good mood because I did well on my math test."
LOVELY - good-looking or beautiful
"The trees look lovely in the fall."
GUY - an informal way to call a man
"The guy at the flower shop was really helpful today."
FOREVER - for all time
"The young couple promised that they would love each other forever."
FEE - an amount of money that a person or company asks for a service
"I had to pay an hourly fee to speak with my lawyer."
FAVOR - something you do for someone to help them
"Can you do me a favor and turn off the lights?"
DIVE - to jump into the water
"I will dive into the lake once we get there."
DISAPPOINT - to make one feel sad or unsatisfied
"I do not want to disappoint my family, so I try to do well at school."
CHASE - to follow someone or something in order to catch them
"I was chased by an angry native."
BRIEF - to last for a short time
"The meeting this afternoon was very brief."
BRIDE - a woman who is getting married or has just gotten married
"The bride looked beautiful in her wedding dress."
ANGER - to make someone mad
"It angers me when people are rude."
ABROAD - another country
"My brother wants to go abroad next year."