Feb 18, 2022
The Boy Who Cried "Wolf"
DARK - with little or no light
"It is dark at night."
LONELY - sad because one has no companions; solitary
"The boy was lonely in his room."
PLAN - intention or decision of doing or achieving something; arrange in advance
"I plan on becoming a doctor."
EXCITEMENT - feeling of great enthusiasm or eagerness
"He went on a trip beaming with excitement."
CONSIDERABLE - notably large in size, amount, or extent
"The man waited for a considerable amount of time."
WORRY - state of anxiety or unease; allow oneself to be troubled
"She took the exam with worry."
AGAIN - another time; once more
"The child went to the playground again."
DECEIVE - cause someone to believe something that is not true
"The student deceived his teacher into thinking that he passed his project on time."
NOBODY - no one; a person of no importance or authority
"Nobody noticed that she left."
LIAR - a person who tells lies
"Her ex-boyfriend was a cheater and a liar."
BELIEVE - accept as true; think of something as an opinion
"I believe in God."
COMPLAIN - express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something
"He complained about the hot weather."
FLOCK - a large group of animals; gather or assemble together
"The wolf killed the flock of sheep."
PLEASED - feeling or showing satisfaction; glad
"I am pleased to meet you."
WISE - having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment
"The wise man imparted some wisdom on the child."