May 1, 2022
It is easy to see why television is so attractive to both children and adults. It is available in the home and we can watch it in comfort whenever we please. Besides, it provides entertainment after a day‟s work. Television also enables us to see places and people and their ways of life. Even people with little or no formal education can watch and enjoy the programmes.
Unfortunately, television takes up much of our time. To watch it we must sit in front of it, watch as long as a programme lasts, and do little else. This exclusive aspect of television, the fact that it prevents us from doing other things, poses more serious problems than is commonly realized.
While television may provide an acceptable form of relaxation for adults after a day‟s work, it robs children of the time they must use to learn other things. In addition, not everything that television offers is good. Even when children‟s programmes are provided, we are not sure that these are the only ones they will watch. In fact, these days children watch more programmes meant for adults than for them.
One likely outcome of this is that children may learn about the adult world too soon, and at a time when they can easily be influenced.
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