
Jun 17, 2022

Some Confusing words/phrases

MADE FROM We often use made from when we talk about how something is manufactured: 1. Plastic is made from oil. 2. Flour is made from wheat 3. The earliest canoes were made from tree trunks. 4. Bread is made from flour. MADE OF We use made of when we talk about the basic material or qualities of something. It has a meaning similar to ‘composed of’: 1. She wore a beautiful necklace made of silver.

Made out of We usually use made out of when we talk about something that has been changed or transformed from one thing into another: 1. In the 1970s, it was popular to have candle-holders made out of wine bottles. 2. They were living in tents made out of old plastic sheets.

MADE WITH We use made with most often to talk about the ingredients of food and drink: 1. This dish is made with beef, vegetables and spices. 2. Is 'Futti' always made with tomatoes or do the Fulas use egg plants too?

BORROW AND LEND Borrow” means to take something from another person, knowing you will give it back to them. “Lend” means to give something to another person expecting to get it back. Be careful: personal pronouns like me, you, him and others never come after the verb “borrow,” but it is correct to use them after “lend,” as in, “Lend me a dollar for some ice cream

ITS AND IT'S Its - of or belonging to it ex: 1. The baby will scream as soon as its mother walks out of the room. IT'S-contraction for 'it is' ex: 1. It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

You and Me vs. You and I

IN vs INSIDE It is their function as a preposition that most people confuse; the two prepositions in and inside can sometimes be used interchangeably since they indicate a location. But the preposition in only suggests a location whereas inside carries a strong sense of being physically enclosed

Each other and one another Quiz competition Lack behind, lagging behind

By undefined

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