Feb 18, 2022
Ranela’s Notes about HiLokal
Do you like to socialize and make new friends?
Do you enjoy talking to people from different countries and help them learn English at the same time?
If yes, then we want you!
Hilokal is looking for passionate English trainers who can host conversations in English to help other speak the language. Teach at home or anywhere at your convenience and earn incentives along the way. It’s so easy!
To apply, simply click the link below:
Hilokal - language exchange
We look forward to having you here at Hilokal!
Apply https://bit.ly/3KtiO6k
Hello! 👋 I’m excited to announce NOTEBOOKS 📕.
Released 2/18/2022
They are basically sharable lessons on Hilokal. They help solve these trainer problems:
- Lower lesson prepartion time.
- Get feedback & recognition for your lesson plans (view counter).
- Less typing & photo uploading → more talking during lessons.
- Share lessons with students.
- Get discovered by students through your lessons
Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/r-XhP10LgEA
Any questions or suggestions are welcome 🙌
Bug hunting*
Thanks for your patience. We've reviewed your report and decided to Warn the user you reported. Thank you for helping us make Hilokal's community better. Also, it never hurts to read our community guidleines here: https://bit.ly/3jeUjgX. Thanks!
(🌴summer theme 😎)
✅What? Singing competition in Hilokal! Prizes
⚠️ We need at least 100 applications before this event can start!! Share with friends who may be interested.
Apply link in bio : https://forms.gle/sQkAewxC31gWgrew5
Event link in bio
✅What are the prizes?
First Prize: Hilokal T-Shirt, 1 month premium subscription, Gold Emoji
Second prize: Hilokal T-Shirt, 1 month premium subscription, Silver Emoji
Third Prize: Hilokal T-Shirt, 1 month premium subscription, Bronze Emoji
✅How is the winner chosen?
⭐️CONFIDENCE (10 points)
How confident is the singer? How much do they own the room and the song? Are they a good performer?!
⭐️PERSONALITY (10 points)
Do they have a unique tone, and do they express themselves and their personality well?
⭐️TECHNIQUE (10 points)
How is their technique? Good range? Good tone? Good intonation and enunciation?
Audience reactions with emojis and chat messages!
Automatic 5 points for singing a song in a second language. (not your native language)
✅When? June 30th, 8pm Korean Standard Time
✅Where? Hilokal Mobile application (Appstore or PlayStore)
Here is the event location: https://hilokal.page.link/Foqi
✅What should I prepare? What are the conditions?
🔵 Quiet background.
🔵 Good internet connection.
🔵 good microphone connection.
🔵If you want background track, please bring it and play through your own speakers.
🔴 If there is a 30 second connection or audio problem we will move to next contestant or choose from audience.
✅ How do I apply??
- Until June 26th: Answer this form and include audio of you singing.
- June 28th: We will email the finalists and invite them to participate.
- June 29th: Finalists announced on instagram.
- June 30th 8pm EVENT TIME!
Summarized by Anna
💐Trainer's Suggestion Summary:
🔸No limit for table scheduling (if possible) Increase the number of table that we can set in the web version NOT ONLY 25 TABLE. (so trainers can book in advance for the whole month)
🔸Profile link (so students won't lose to find the trainer) (when you promote trainer and students can't find the trainer so suggesting to have profile link for all the trainer)
🔸Full screen pin (whiteboard if possible) b'coz pin message is blocking the chat.
🔸2 pin
1ST PIN for → CHAT/WORD (class instruction)
🔸Suggesting to put the pin NOT in the CHAT BOX but instead put it on the TOP. (location where the whiteboard is located)
🔸Add more character for text NOT only 800 characters.
🔸Suggesting to bring back the old layout (if possible)
🔸Table title can be seen the WHOLE (just like before so its easy for us to identify the class name when we fill up attendance form)
🔸Suggesting to allow sudden creation of table. (b'coz some of us having a bug problem and students can't see the table or sometimes we got disconnected and the table is not visible anymore)
🔸If its possible to have a choice to choose FONT COLOR so trainers can HIGHLIGHT SOME IMPORTANT text/part in the notebook.
🔸Suggesting to put the participant in the side so even if the chatbox or whiteboard is in full size it can be seen.
🔸Trainers prefer to SET TABLE THROUGH PHONE than web version (b'coz its more convenient)
🔸NOTEBOOK ICON, EMOJI, (…), CHAT icons in that order.
😵App Problem that we encounter:
🔺When the donation button goes down it blocks the picture of the people in the 1st row.
🔺When you use split screen in the web version the font became small (suggesting to make it same font)
Welcome to Hilokal! I hope you like it here. Just join any table and listen for a while. You don’t have to say hi or ask to leave, simply come and go. Read the title and language tag for the tables, but don’t let that get to you. Some tables are advanced even if they’re labeled beginner.
Join our Cafés:
Korean Chatterbox Cafe @Jinhee Bts Baek
GLEx2020 Café @Sanchita Sakpal and Ranela
Hancool Cafe @Feliciano Colinares Naredo