Feb 23, 2022
Q & A for Beginners with NERY
Where are you from?
I am from _______ (Japan, the Philippines, Mexico).
I grew up in _______.
I come from _______.
Where do you live?
I live in _______ (New York, those apartments, my parent's house).
I live at _______ (your address).
Are you married?
I have been married for _____ years.
I am single.
I am divorced.
I have a boyfriend / girlfriend / fiance.
I am getting married in _____ (June, 2016, April, two months).
No, but I'm in a relationship.
I am not married.
Do you have any children?
I have ______ children (two, three, five).
I have one child.
I have a daughter.
I have ____ daughters and ____ sons.
No, I do not have any children.
What time is it?
It is four o'clock.
It is half past three. (3:30)
It is a quarter to five. (4:45)
I'm sorry. I don't know.
It is noon. (12:00 pm)
How's the weather?
It is a beautiful day.
It is raining.
It is cold.
The sun is shining.
It is hot and windy.
It is cloudy.
What do you do? (What is your job?)
I am a student.
I work at _________ (a school, First National Bank, the church).
I am unemployed. (I do not have a job.)
I am a __________ (doctor, teacher, driver, librarian).
I am a stay-at-home mom. (I don't have a job because I stay home to raise my children.)
I work from home.
I am between jobs.
(Being "between jobs" means that you are not working, but you are looking for a new job.)
Why are you studying English?
I love learning new languages.
I want to travel.
To travel.
I love English!
I am studying English for work.
For work.
I want to live in ________.
To get a better job.
How are you? How was your day? How do you do?
I am fine. (This means everything is okay.)
I am wonderful! Thanks for asking! (This means everything is great!)
Not bad. (This means everything is okay.)
I have had a busy day.
It has been a difficult day.
I'm okay.
Where did you study English?
I studied English at the university.
I studied English in ________.
I studied English at ________.
I learned on the Internet.
My mother taught me.
I taught myself.
I learned at home.
I watched movies.
My friend taught me.
By undefined
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