
Apr 27, 2022

Prepositions - In,At,On


⏰TIME 🔛On is used with days. I will see you on Monday. The week begins on Sunday. 🏧At is used with noon, night, dawn, dusk, midnight, and with the time of day. My plane leaves at noon. The movie starts at 6 p.m. ℹIn is used with other parts of the day, with months, with years, with seasons. He likes to read in the afternoon. The days are long in August. The book was published in 2014. The flowers will bloom in spring. 🪐PLACE ℹIn – describes the point itself. There is a wasp in the room. 🔛On – talks about the surface. I left your keys on the table. 🏧At – talks about a general vicinity. She was waiting at the corner. 🤝INTRODUCE THE OBJECT OF VERBS 🏧At – with verbs glance, laugh, look, rejoice, smile, and stare She took a quick glance at her reflection. (exception with mirror: She took a quick glance in the mirror.) You didn't laugh at his joke. I'm looking at the computer monitor. We rejoiced at his safe rescue. That pretty girl smiled at you. Stop staring at me. 💃EXCEPTIONS ⭐Fixed Expressions Those that seek to answer the question: Where are you/he/she/it? Did you... 🏧AT At home At school At work At a party At college At a wedding At a university ℹIN In the sky In the sea In the backyard In the newspaper^ In a movie^ In a car* In a boat* ^No reason, just habit *"in" used in reference to small vehicles 🔛ON On the couch/sofa On the floor On the radio^ On the TV/news^ On Youtube^ On a bus* On a train* On a plane* * "on" used in reference to larger vehicles

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