Feb 19, 2022
Possessive Nouns
Possessive nouns are used to indicate ownership.
1. Possessive nouns usually are formed by adding an apostrophe (') and s.
Joy's book
Summer's car
Carlo's mirror
2. When a noun is plural and ends in s, just add an apostrophe (').
The kids' playroom
My parents' vacation house
The teachers' lounge
3. If two people own one thing, add the apostrophe and s to the second person only.
Joy and CJ's new house
David and Anne's wedding
Tom and Carla's car
4. If two people own separate things, add the apostrophe and s for each person.
Cristine's and Ali's books
Jean's and John's pants
Ben's and Jerry's offices
Review each sentence and decide if it needs a possessive noun or a plural noun, then choose the correct form.
1. The dogs/dog's collar is blue.
2. Aaron's/Aarons friend is named Adam.
3. I really like my moms/mom's cookies.
4. I really like to drink soda using spiral straws/straw's.
5. My brothers/brother's are twins.