
Jun 24, 2022


DDIFFERENCE BETWEEN PHRASES AND CLAUSES The main difference is that clauses have both a subject and a predicate; phrases do not.

There are eight main types of phrases Noun phrases Verb phrases Gerund phrases Infinitive phrases Appositive phrases Prepositional phrases Participial phrases Absolute phrases

NOUN PHRASE A phrase that acts s a noun in a sentence is called a noun phrase. It consists of a noun and other related words (modifiers, determiners). Examples 1. One of my classmates is getting married tomorrow 2. They hired a very expensive car. 3. A woman in the car waved at us. 4. The police have finally arrested the fugitive 5. The arrogant new supervisor met his match.

VERB PHRASE A verb phrase is a group of verbs (main verbs and helping verbs) in a sentence. Examples 1. I might stop at the market. 2. Mama was writing all day. 3. The children have been playing outside. 4. Our class will host a beach party next month. 5. He is waiting for his friend.

GERUND PHRASE A gerund is an -ing verb used as a noun. Examples 1. I enjoy listening to music.. 2. Sitting in the sun helps in blood circulation. 3. Driving without license attracts a fine of $10 4. The crying of the baby disturbs him. 5. I prefer eating in a restaurant.

INFINITIVE PHRASE An infinitive phrase contains an infinitive (to + first form of a verb). Infinitive phrases function as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. Examples 1. She sang a song to put the baby to sleep. (Adverb) 2. I like to give a ride (noun) to beautiful ladies. 3. The government came up with a plan to improve workers pay (adjective) 4. I am bringing some food to eat on the bus (adjective) 5. To win the tournament has been out only goal. (Noun)

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  • English

  • Intermediate