
May 8, 2022

More Tongue Twisters

12. Brave, bleeding boys battle bald, biting babies. 13. Please put this porcupine in your pants. 14. The crowd of clumsy clowns crushed the king’s crown. 15. The detective discovered the deadly dagger in Dad’s dirty diapers.

2. Whether the weather is warm, whether the weather is hot, we have to put up with the weather, whether we like it or not. 3. Red lorry, yellow lorry. 4. Four furious friends fought for the phone. 5. Does your sport shop stock short socks with spots? 6. Fatty Fatou boarded free flight from France

7. The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday 8. Pick six beaks, seek big peaks 9. The peppy puppy the prince presented the princess produced piles of poop in the palace. 10. “You’re making a mistake marrying that monster!” moaned the mummy’s mother. 11. The hippos heard the hunter’s hiccups and hurried home to hide.

16. The tiny teacher (on tippytoes) tamed the terrible T-Rex by tickling its tummy. 17. Noisy boys enjoy noisy toys, but noisy boys enjoying noisy toys are annoying. 18. The fat farmer’s five filthy fingers fed the ferocious ferret french fries. 19. Greedy Grandpa grabbed Grandma’s greasy grubs

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  • Beginner