Apr 19, 2022
They won't see it coming
I hate my brother, period. Yes, yes, I know. “Hate” is a strong word, but I mean it. Trust me on this one. The only thing that understands me is the virtual world, and my family tries to take that from me. They say it is an addiction and that I am in denial. Yeah, no. My family has limited me to an hour on the computer a day, and that’s definitely not okay. My brother gets the whole day on the internet. He has completely taken over the family computer. He even gets away with rubbing it in my face. Favorites much? I am putting my foot down, and I have decided I will take over the family computer. I will snatch it and all of its accessories and I’ll barricade myself in my room! Sounds foolproof, right? I will strike at midnight, and they won’t see it coming. Wait…I think that is my mom now! Act casual.
Did your parents also forbid you for playing a online games?
Military Family
You shouldn’t be upset about not getting what you want, especially when what you want is so materialistic. Be thankful for what you have, for who you have. You have two parents who love you, who are always there. You have the liberty of not worrying about whether your mom will come home. Or if your dad will come home- as himself. I cherish the moments I have with my family because I know that at any time, they can be taken away from me; Off to fight some war and never come back. Or even worse, when they do come back, they’re a little less themselves. Do you know how it feels to know that the people you love are suffering – that internally they’re losing themselves? Do you know how it makes a little girl feel to see her parents fade away? No. No, you don’t. Stop being so selfish and appreciate what you have. I would do anything to get my family back.
Do you love your parents?
SORRY? (Hysterical laughter)Sorry? Really that’s all you have to say? We just lost thousands of dollars and you’re sorry? (Angry) No. You don’t get to be sorry. You don’t care, not enough to be sorry. You did this competition for fun, and the prize money was just the cherry on top for you. I put my life on the line for this! You go home to a big house, with working lights and food on the table. I’m going to go home to a two-bedroom house and pray to God we have enough to pay for the electric bill. The bill that I was supposed to pay for with the money that I was supposed to win from this competition. (Angrily) And you want to know why we lost, Jack? Because of you! You and Lisa going at each other’s necks the whole time! You couldn’t set your pride aside for two hours? TWO HOURS for the greater good of everyone else, but no! That didn’t work for you, did it? (Starts crying) I did everything, EVERYTHING in my power to win this, and all my efforts were wasted. You’re not sorry. Not for losing this, you’re okay, you lost nothing. You just feel bad because some of us really cared, and that’s not sorry, that’s pity. And I don’t need that from you. So don’t tell me you’re sorry, cause I’m not buying it.
Question :
What do you feel of the character's story?
Me, Myself, And I
Mom, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s, it’s hard for me to say. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you. You’re so kind and supportive of me. I love you so much. I’m, I’m just going to say it. No matter how hard it is for me to admit, because I love my life. But hon-hon-honestly sometimes wish I wasn’t famous! Acting is an amazing thing. Most people would love to be me. It just tires me out so much. Starting at seven– I don’t think that was meant to be my path. I had an idea when I was younger, and you were amazing to let me follow it. But I was seven! I didn’t know all of the pressure that it would be. Again, the last thing I want to do is disappoint you. You’re my role model, my hero, my everything. Sometimes I’m scared I won’t be enough like you when I grow up. It’s just that I feel so insecure and overwhelmed. People always stopping and staring. Taking pictures of me, invading my privacy. Not feeling comfortable in my own skin. I just want me, myself and I. Not surrounded by paparazzi and obsessive fans. Sometimes I just wish for a normal life! I know that sounds selfish, I mean, I have everything. Money, designer clothes, loving family. I shouldn’t ask for more. But, I’m technically asking for less. I love all the fun trips and traveling, and this loving and kind family, I just don’t think a sixteen-year-old should be held to such high expectations. I love you. Thank you for always being there for me. I hope you understand.
Would you rather be popular just like this character in the story or just a normal people like everyone else?
The Darkness
I wish I was scared of the dark. I mean most people are, but I always find comfort sitting in it. Get home, shower, lay in bed. Don’t turn the lights on. My daily routine. Sit in the dark and listen to music. A vampire. That’s what my mom calls me. It’s not that I don’t like the light, you just think differently in the dark. You find comfort in it like a big black blanket wrapped around you. You just let go not knowing what could happen. Your mind travels to so many places and everything’s fine. Until you realize you’re alone. The feeling of loneliness hits you. You have no one to talk to. Everyone’s asleep. You’ve thought so much that the big black blanket is now suffocating you. So, tell me is the darkness safe or dangerous?
Would you rather turn on the lights or turn off the light when you sleep?
English Class
Because of last weeks’ “events,” we are going to try this again. Everyone get out your pencils. And no throwing them this time! Jane, put that cell phone away! I will not hesitate to take it! Shawn, stop trying to light Cindy’s hair on fire! There is barely any left from last time! Jason! Don’t you dare throw that chair out the window! Jaaasssooon… Jason! Ugh! you guys are worse today than yesterday, and now I have to replace that window! I am calling the principal! (picks up phone) Hello Mr. Sanchez? We need you in the fifth-grade classroom. What do you mean you are busy? There’s no way those kindergartners are worse than these kids. oh…oh… They did that? Oh well, I hope Mrs. Smith recovers. Those kindergartners should be ashamed for doing that to her. Well, stay safe, and I hope the pencil wound in your arm heals. (hangs up) Okay class, new test! We are going to see how good you are at finding a new teacher because I quit! I am going to be a janitor! I rather clean up other people’s messes than teach you! Adios!
What kind of students do you think does this teacher have in the story?
You’re scared of the ocean? Yeah, I understand that. The ocean seems scary to many, even dangerous. People fear of drowning or being attacked by creatures from below. But this does not apply to me. I’m as fearless as it gets when it comes to water. Or, at least I was. There are some things that I’ve seen happen in the ocean that would normally scar you for life. I’ve heard about shark attacks, but they never really scared me…didn’t seem real. Until one day last summer. The morning sky was clear, not a cloud could be seen for miles. The sun had already risen, its heat overbearing. Seeing the waves reach all the way out from the deep to the shore, I couldn’t help but think of what a perfect day it would be for surfing. I grabbed my surfboard and broke into a sprint across the beach; I could feel the ocean spray before I reached the water. I waded through the water, trying to keep from being pushed back by the rising waves. After about two minutes, the water was above my waist. Right about that time, unfortunately, a huge wage was forming, and was starting to come my way. I grabbed my board and tried to pull myself onto it, but it was too late. I opened my eyes, only for the saltwater to flood them. Now, some people would have panicked, but that’s not who I am. As I attempted to swim up, a huge object pushed against me, sending me farther down. I looked around. What I saw was terrifying. A shark, at least fifteen feet long, was staring at me the way a barn owl stares at a mouse. With all my might, I swam upward. It seemed like forever until I reached the surface and swam towards the shore. I used to brag about being fearless, but I can’t imagine what would have happened if I didn’t get scared that day. Being scared saved my life. Yeah, I’ll admit it. I’m a little scared of the ocean now too.
Jealous? I'm not jealous
You know, my boyfriend tells me I’m an (does air quotes with fingers) “overprotective and jealous” girlfriend, but he just doesn’t understand. It’s a girlfriend’s job to watch out for girls who want to steal him away. The other day I saw him hugging another girl. When I confronted him, he said it was his mom. Excuses, excuses. I didn’t talk to him for a week after that incident. I just trying to protect him, you know. He interacts with so many girls, you never know who may be eyeing him. I even quit my job just so I could keep my eye on him. He often pleads with me to trust him and whatever, but that always leads to arguments. Another time, I hacked his phone and looked through his mail and messages. He’d been talking to so many girls! Someone named Jenny and another named Mrs. Switzer. An older woman! He claimed that Jenny was his science partner and that Mrs. Switzer was his piano teacher. Yeah, right. How could he do this to me? When he caught me looking through his phone, he was a little mad, and he explained that just because he’s talking to women, doesn’t mean he’s cheating on me. Then, he said the next time that I do something like that, he’ll break up with me. He just doesn’t understand what a good girlfriend I am. I’m just being there to ward off any girls who want to take my man. Right now, I’m hiding behind a bush, keeping my protective watch on him. Wait, here comes a girl. Gotta go!
I know it’s not your fault, but Allison, it’s me. Your sister. Maybe if I tell you about all the things we did, and who we used to be together, you’d remember. Yes? Let’s try. I promise that my feelings won’t be hurt if this doesn’t work, but I have to try, okay? (pause) Okay, when we were kids, we always got into trouble together. We used to sneak out of my window when it was clearly past our bedtime. We’d create imaginary worlds, complicated worlds, under the moon. One time, we pretended to be in Atlantis, beneath the sea. You were a princess, and I was a talking slug. If you remembered anything, you might remember that, right? Anyway, we always got caught, and we always got in trouble, but that didn’t stop us. (laughs…sees that she doesn’t remember.) It’s okay. Let me keep going. You and I were very close…we’d tell each other secrets and talk behind Melanie’s back. She’s our other sister. And if you regain your memory, I hope you don’t suddenly like her better than me. (pause) We were a force to be reckoned with when we were together, we were partners, not a hero and her sidekick. During the summer we rode our matching blue Schwinn bikes everywhere and we’d try to hold hands while riding. One time, we even planned out how we would make a business together. My favorite idea was fashion design. You’d sew and I would do the finance. Even when we fought it wasn’t so bad, because we loved each other, and we couldn’t stay mad for too long. Depending on the rare cases it did last longer than a couple of days, we would pause the fight so we could still vent and talk. That’s pretty funny isn’t it? You wrote me a note on pink paper saying that you HAD to tell me something, but then we had to go back to being mad at each other. (laughs) We never should have fought in the first place, and sometimes I wish we could’ve paused the whole world for a bit longer, so we could’ve made more memories. (pause) I’m sorry I went away to University. I should have stayed here in town, at least until you were ready to leave too. Maybe then, this wouldn’t have happened. You wouldn’t have gotten into that car with your friends that night because I would have come to get you. I should have been there for you. Well, I’m here now, Allison. And I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to stay until you either remember me, or you learn to love me all over again. I’ll never be mad at you again. You have my word. Whether or not you ever remember who we were, I will be here. I’m your sister.
Girl who cried wolf
You ask me this every time, and it’s been a year, so yeah. I guess I’m ready to talk about it. (pause) I think I’ve told you before about how my sister, Katherine and I would play pranks on each other. Like, we would pretend we were dying, or possessed or something. It was really stupid…but you know, we had fun with it. I would hear her screaming in the kitchen, and I’d run down and see her holding a knife and covered in blood. I would start screaming too, until I saw the can of spaghetti sauce on the counter and realize it was a joke, and she would laugh so hard that she would fall down. It was just a thing we did, you know. But that day was different. That day, we had just gotten home from school and our parents were still at work. Katherine and I were in some sort of fight. I don’t really remember what is was about, probably something dumb, like her borrowing something and not returning it. But anyway, I didn’t feel like talking to her, so I went up to my room to do homework. All of a sudden, I started to hear Katherine scream and yell my name. I was annoyed because I assumed that it was another one of her pranks. She would always prank me when I was mad at her, so that I would laugh and forgive her. But I wasn’t in the mood to play her games…. and so I ignored it. The screaming went on for a while…and then it stopped. That’s when I started to get worried, so I went downstairs to check on her, and…she was gone. I never saw my sister again. I guess I don’t have to tell you the rest. You know. My parents know. Everyone knows that my sister is DEAD because of ME. Katherine Rivers was the girl who cried wolf. And I was the girl, who ignored her cries.
The coolest guy in school
The stupidest thing I’ve done? Yeah, I’ve got a story for ya. And it wasn’t the time I stole a hotdog cart in Times Square. That was stupid, but I have one better than that. The day started off like any normal day. I grabbed my lunch, and my dad yelled goodbye and just like always, he says, “Don’t do anything stupid.” It’s like my old man’s motto, and normally, I don’t listen. But I should have. So, I get to school and this kid, Elroy, he’s kinda like my arch-rival. Elroy comes up to me and says, “How’d you like to be the coolest kid in school?” Move out of my way, I tell him, but he says, “No, really. I heard about this kid over at West Union High who was a real nobody, and then one day, he jumped onto a moving train and now, like all the girls are after him, and it’s like he’s some kind of daredevil superhero. Just sayin. There’s a train that comes out under the tunnel behind the bowling alley every day at 4:00. Think about it.” The rest of the day seemed to last forever. I couldn’t focus on anything my teachers were saying, I was too busy thinking my plan through in my head. As soon as I got home, I ran over the bowling alley and climbed up onto the top of the tunnel. When I heard the train coming, I noticed Elroy and a group of his friends. This would be my moment! The train burst quickly through the tunnel and I jumped! And that is the story of why I am laying in a hospital bed with a full body-cast. But hey, there’s a rumor going around that when I get back, I’m going to be the coolest kid in school!
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