
Apr 17, 2022

Let's talk FAQ About Suicide with NERY


📌 What should you do if someone tells you they are thinking about suicide?

📌 Is it possible to predict suicide?

📌 What biological factors increase risk for suicide?

📌 Is there such a thing as 'rational' suicide?

📌 What does 'suicide contagion' mean, and what can be done to prevent it?

📌 Why don't people talk about mental illnesses like depression, bipolar disorder and suicide?

📌 Why do people attempt suicide when they appear to feel better?

📌 Apart from talking to a suicidal person and encouraging him or her to go for counseling, what else can we do to prevent this?

📌 Do people attempt suicide to prove something or to get sympathy?

📌 Does alcohol and other drug abuse increase the risk for suicide?

📌 Can the risk for suicide be inherited?

📌 Is suicide related to impulsiveness?

📌 Why do men complete suicide more often than women do?

📌 What are the most common methods of suicide?

📌 Why do people attempt suicide?

📌 Who is at highest risk for suicide (Ethnic Groups)?

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  • English

  • Elementary