
Mar 12, 2022

Let's talk about self care

1. What are three of my most cherished personal values?

2. What is my purpose in life?

What is my personality type?

Did I make time for myself this week?

Am I making time for my social life?

What scares me the most right now?

What is something I find inspiring?

What is something that brings me joy?

When is the last time I gave back to others?

What matters to me most right now?

What’s something I would like to do more of and why?

What’s something I would like to do less of and why?

What three words describe me best?

What keeps me awake at night?

How important is my physical health to me?

How important is my mental health to me?

Have I been holding myself back in any way?

What obstacles get in the way of my happiness?

What are my greatest gifts?

What could I do to be happier?

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