
Mar 14, 2022

💐Korean Irregular Verb Lesson by Anna쌤💐

🔰Irregular Verb 불규칙 동사 (ㅂ) When ㅂ irregular stems are followed by a vowel, the ㅂ is dropped and 우 is added to the stem. 🔺고맙(다) to be thankful 고맙 - ㅂ → 우 + 아/어요 = 고마워요 🔺맵(다) 맵 - ㅂ → 우 + 아/어요 = 매워요 🔺춥(다) to be cold 춥 - ㅂ → 우 + 아/어요 = 추워요 🔺덥(다) to be hot 덥 - ㅂ → 우 + 아/어요 = 더워요 However there are 2 words (곱다 beautiful/pretty, 돕다 help) that meets 아/어요. The ㅂ will change to 오. 🔺곱(다) 곱 - ㅂ → 오 + 아/어요 = 고와요 🔺돕(다) 돕 - ㅂ → 오 + 아/어요 = 도와요 ‼️Note that many verbs/adjectives with a ㅂ 받침 are regular (the ㅂ does not change). Regular Verbs 입다 (wear) > 입습니다 > 입어요 > 입으면 잡다 (catch) > 잡습니다 > 잡아요 > 잡으면 좁다 (narrow) > 좁습니다 > 좁아요 > 좁으면 접다 (fold) > 접습니다 > 접아요 > 접으면 집다 (pick up) > 집습니다 > 집어요 > 집으면 씹다 (chew) > 씹습니다 > 씹어요 > 씹으면 뽑다 (select, hire) > 뽑습니다 > 뽑아요 > 뽑으면

💐 Irregular Verb List of ㅂ 💐 쉽다 To be easy 맵다 To be spicy 춥다 To be cold 덥다 To be hot 돕다* To help 곱다* To be charming, to be lovely 굽다 To roast, to bake 깁다 To sew, to mend 줍다 To pick up; To find 눕다 To lie 무겁다 To be heavy 가볍다 To be light 고맙다 To be thankful 어렵다 To be difficult 더럽다 To be dirty 무섭다 To be scary, to be frightening 두렵다 To be fearful, to be scared 반갑다 To be glad, to be pleasant 부럽다 To be envious 어둡다 To be dark, to be gloomy 즐겁다 To be pleasant, to be enjoyable 귀엽다 To be cute 참답다 To be truthful, to be sincere 새롭다 To be new 외롭다 To be lonely, to be solitary 해롭다 To be detrimental 이롭다 To be beneficial 아름답다 To be beautiful 까다롭다 To be picky to be choosy 흥미롭다 To be interesting

🔰ㅅ Irregular Verb 불규칙 동사 (ㅅ) ‼️Rule 1 Irregular ㅅ verbs and adjectives only behave irregularly when conjugated with endings that start with a vowel. For example, endings such as 아요/어요 (present tense), ~(으)면 ( if) With other endings that start with a consonant, for example (e.g. (스)ㅂ니다, irregular ㅅ verbs and adjectives do not behave irregularly. That is, they are conjugated just the same as regular verbs. ‼️Rule 2 When conjugating ㅅ irregular verbs with endings that start with a vowel, ㅅ is always dropped from the verb stem. For example 긋다 (to draw) + 아요/어요 = 그어요. This is because ㅅ is dropped from the verb stem before adding 아요/어요. ‼️Rule 3 Vowels do not combine when conjugating ㅅ irregular verbs. For example 마시다 (to drink) + 아요/어요 (present tense) = 마셔요 (NOT 마시어요). This is because the vowel ㅣ from the verb stem and the vowel ㅓ from the ending combine to make ㅕ. 짓다 (to build) + 어요 = 지어요 (NOT 져요) 낫다 (be better) + 아요 = 나아요 (NOT 나요) 🌟Example Sentence (irregular) 🔺한국에서는 아파트를 많이 지어요. (짓다) In Korea, they build lots of apartments. 🔺저는 책을 읽을 때 단어에 밑줄을 그어요. (긋다) When I read books, I underline the words. 🔺밤늦게 라면을 먹으면 다음날 얼굴이 부어요. (붓다) If you eat noodles late at night, you will have a swollen face the next day. 🌟Regular Verbs 웃다 (laugh) > 웃습니다 > 웃어요 >웃어서 > 웃으면 씻다 (wash) > 씻습니다 > 씻어요 > 씻어서 > 씻으면 벗다 (take off) > 벗습니다 > 벗어요 > 벗어서 > 벗으면 빗다 (comb) > 빗습니다 > 빗어요 > 빗어서 --> 빗으면 빼앗다 (take by force) > 빼앗습니다 > 빼앗어요 > 빼앗으면 ❣️Example Sentences 🔺농담을 듣고 한바탕 크게 웃어요. I have a good laugh at joke. 🔺그 사람이 내 물건을 빼앗았어요. He took my stuff away. 🔺밥 먹기 전에 손을 꼭 씻어야 해요. You have to wash your hands before having a meal. 🌟ㅅ Irregular Verb / ㅅ 불규칙 긋다 To draw (a line) 낫다 To be better; To be cured 젓다 To stir, to whip 잣다 To spin 짓다 To build, to write 잇다 To connect, to link 붓다 To swell; To pour 특징짓다 To characterize 눈물짓다 To shed tears, to weep 농사짓다 To farm 가로젓다 To shake your head

🔰으 Irregular Verb 불규칙 동사 ‼️For verb and adjective stems with (으). (으) is omitted without exception when adding an ending that begins with 아/어. Then, the vowel that precedes determines whether 아 or 어 is used in the ending. 🔺When the vowel is 아 or 오, 아요 is used 🔺when the vowel is not 아 or 오 어요 is used. ⭐바쁘(다) + 아/어 = 바ㅃ => 바(vowel ㅏ) + 아 = 바빠 ⭐예쁘(다) + 아/어 > 예배 > 예 (vowel ㅖ) + 어 예뻐 ⭐쓰(다) + 아/어 = ㅆ > no preceding syllable + 어 > 써 Example Sentence: 1. 지난주에 아주 바빴어요. I was really busy last week. 2. 오랜만에 친구를 만나서 정말 기뻤어요. I was so happy to meet my friend who haven't seen for a long time. 3. 친구한테 편지를 썼어요. I wrote a letter to my friend. ㅡ Irregular Verb / ㅡ 불규칙 크다 To be big 쓰다 To write; To use 끄다 To turn off 예쁘다 To be pretty 바쁘다 To be busy 아프다 To be painful, to be sick 고프다 To be hungry 나쁘다 To be bad 기쁘다 To be happy 슬프다 To be sad 잠그다 To lock 모으다 To gather, to collect

🔰 르 Irregular Verbs Irregular verbs and adjectives ending in 르 only behave irregularly when an ending starting with 아 or 어 is attached. For example Grammar pattern like 아요/어요 (present tense), 았어요/었어요 (past tense), etc. With endings which do not start with 아 or 어, they do not behave irregularly and are just conjugated the same as normal. ‼️Rule 1 When conjugating irregular 르 V/Adj with endings starting with 아 or 어, ㅡ is always dropped and an additional ㄹ is added. When conjugated in the present tense, 모르다 becomes 몰라요. This is because ㅡ is dropped and an additional ㄹ is added before the ending 아요. 모르(다) to not know 모르 - ㅡ = 모ㄹ 모ㄹ + ㄹ = 몰ㄹ 몰ㄹ + 아/어요 = 몰라요 모르다 + 아/어 = 모(ㅗ vowel) + ㄹ라 or ㄹ러 > 몰라요 / 몰랐어요 / 몰라서 ‼️Rule 2 The vowel that comes before 르 determines whether 아 or 어 is used in the ending. 빠르다 + 아/어 = 빠(ㅏ vowel) + ㄹ라 or ㄹ러 > 빨라요/ 빨랐어요 / 빨라서 빠르다 = to be fast 빠르 - ㅡ = 빠ㄹ 빠ㄹ + ㄹ = 빨ㄹ 빨ㄹ + 아/어요 = 빨라요 다르다 + 아/어 = 다(ㅏ vowel) + ㄹ라 or ㄹ러 > 달라요/ 달랐어요 / 달라서 다르(다) to be different 다르 - ㅡ = 다ㄹ 다ㄹ + ㄹ = 달ㄹ 달ㄹ + 아/어요 = 달라요 자르다 + 아/어 = 자(ㅏ vowel) + ㄹ라 or ㄹ러 > 잘라요/ 잘랐어요 / 잘라서 자르(다) 자르 - ㅡ = 자ㄹ 자ㄹ + ㄹ = 잘ㄹ 잘ㄹ + 아/어요 = 잘라요 고르다 + 아/어 => 고(ㅗ vowel) + ㄹ라 or ㄹ러 => 골라요/ 골랐어요 / 골라서 고르(다) to choose 고르 - ㅡ = 고ㄹ 고ㄹ + ㄹ = 골ㄹ 골ㄹ + 아/어요 = 골라요 흐르다 + 아/어 => 흐(ㅡ vowel) + ㄹ러 => 흘러요/ 흘렀어요 / 흘러서 흐르(다) 흐르 - ㅡ = 흐ㄹ 흐ㄹ + ㄹ = 흘ㄹ 흘ㄹ + 아/어요 = 흘러요 기르다 + 아/어 => 기(ㅣ vowel) + ㄹ라 or ㄹ러 => 길러요/ 길렀어요 / 길러서 기르(다) 기르 - ㅡ = 기ㄹ 기ㄹ + ㄹ = 길ㄹ 길ㄹ + 아/어요 = 길러요 제 언니하고 저는 아주 많이 달라요. My sister and I are very different. 머리를 잘라서 시원해요. It is very cool because I got my hair cut. 너무 빨라서 못 봤어요. I couldn’t see anything because it was too fast. 한국어를 몰라서 불편했어요. It was very inconvenient because I didn’t speak(know) Korean. 아무거나 골라 보세요. You can choose anything. 눈물이 흘러서 안 보였어요. I couldn’t see well because I was crying. 이 채소들을 잘 길러서 팔 거예요. I will grow these vegetables and sell them. 🔰르 Irregular Verb / 르 불규칙 빠르다 To be fast 다르다 To be different 가르다 To cut 거르다 To skip; To filter out 고르다 To select, to choose 구르다 To roll; To stamp one’s feet 그르다 To be wrong, to be false 기르다 To raise, to bring up 나르다 To carry, to transport 누르다 To press, to push 도르다 To vomit; To distribute 두르다 To put something around 마르다 To dry 모르다 To not know; To not understand 무르다 To be soft, to be runny 바르다 To cover; To smear 부르다 To call out; To be full 사르다 To commit to the flame; To winnow 어르다 To humour, to coax 오르다 To climb up, to go up 이르다* To be early 자르다 To cut, to chop 조르다 To pester, to nag 지르다 To yell, to shriek 찌르다 To pierce, to stab 흐르다 To flow, to run 휘두르다 To wield, to brandish 타오르다 To blaze, to rage 차오르다 To wax; To bubble over 짓누르다 To press 주무르다 To massage 저지르다 To commit something, to do (something bad) 억누르다 To suppress, to contain 어지르다 To mess up, to make a mess 어우르다 To put together, to unite 앞지르다 To pass, to overtake 암지르다 To complete 아우르다 To put together 서두르다 To rush, to hasten 문지르다 To rub; To scrub 무찌르다 To defeat, to beat 목마르다 To be thirsty 머무르다 To stay, to remain 마무르다 To finish, to complete 떠오르다 To come up; To float 다지르다 To make sure; To press a person 그느르다 To take care of, to look after 가새지르다 To cross each other, to intersect 가로지르다 To cut across, to traverse 기어오르다 To crawl up, to creep up 날아오르다 To fly up high, to soar 달아오르다 To become red-hot 뛰어오르다 To jump, to leap 솟아오르다 To soar into, to fly up 윽박지르다 To bully, to browbeat

🔰ㅎ Irregular 🔰ㅎ final consonant has lots of changes when it meets a vowel. ‼️1. When a lot of adjective which have ㅎ final consonant meets -(으) verb ending, drops. 빨갛(다) red => 빨가+(으)ㄴ => 빨간 하얗(다) white => 하야 (으)ㄹ까 => 하얄까 그렇(다) be like that = 그러+(으)니까 => 그러니까 이렇다 be like this = 이러+(으)면 이러면 ‼️2. ㅎ final consonant meets - 아/어 verb ending and 아/어 change to 애/에. Red 빨갛(다) > 빨가+아/어요 => 빨개요 White 하얗(다) > 하야+아/어요 => 하얘요 그렇(다) > 그러+아/어서 => 그래서 저렇(다) => 저러+아/어서 => 저래서 ‼️3. There are some adjective/verb that don't change. to be good 좋(다)+아요 => 좋아요 to be many 많(다)+(으)ㄴ 많은 give birth 낳다 +아서 = 낳아서. to put 넣다 + (으)면 넣으면 to touch 닿(다)+(으)는 것이다 => 닿을 거예요 ㅎ + (으) > ㅎ is drop ㅎ + 아/어 > 애 🔰Example Sentence: 1. 저는 빨간색을 가장 좋아합니다. Red is my favorite color. 2. 오늘은 좀 피곤해요. 그러니까 내일 가요. 1 am tired today, so let's go tomorrow. 3. 많은 사람들이 선물을 책상 위에 놓았다. Many people put their gifts on the desk. 4. 언니가 8월에 아이를 낳을 거예요. My sister is going to have a baby in August. 🔰List ㅎ Irregular Verb / ㅎ 불규칙 까맣다 To be black 하얗다 To be white 노랗다 To be yellow 파랗다 To be blue 빨갛다 To be red 이렇다 To be like this 그렇다 To be like that 저렇다 To be like that over there 어떻다 To be like what, to be how 뿌옇다 = to be hazy 노랗다: 노랗 → 노라 + 아/어요 → 노래요 빨갛다: 빨갛 → 빨가 + 아/어요 → 빨개요 하얗다: 하얗 → 하야 + 아/어요 → 하얘요 까맣다: 까맣 → 까마 + 아/어요 → 까매요 파랗다: 파랗 → 파라 + 아/어요 → 파래요 뿌옇다: 뿌옇 → 뿌여 + 아/어요 → 뿌예요

🔰ㄷ Irregular Some stems of ㄷ irregulars change to ㄹ when a suffix begins with a vowel. Format: Verb(ㄷ ending) + vowel - ㄷ changes to ㄹ 걷(다) + 어요 → 걸어요 걷(다) + (으)면 → 걸으면 Example Sentence: 1. 저기까지 같이 걸어 가요. Let's walk over there together. 2. 이길을 걸으면 옛날 친구 생각이 나요. When I walk this street think of my old friend. 3. 음악을 들으면 마음이 편해요. I am very relaxed when l listen to music. 4. 문을 닫으세요. Please close the door. 🔰ㄷ Irregular Verb / ㄷ 불규칙 듣다 To listen; To hear 묻다 To ask 걷다 To walk 싣다 To load 붇다 To swell; To rise 치닫다 To run up, to go up 깨닫다 To realize, to notice 파묻다 To bury 알아듣다 To understand, to follow Regular ㄷ Verbs 닫다 – to close 믿다 – to believe 받다 – to receive 얻다 – to get 묻다 – to bury 쏟다 – to pour 돋다 – to rise 곧다 – to be straight 굳다 – to harden 딛다 – to step 내딛다 – to step forward

🔰 ㄹ Irregular Verb 불규칙 ‼️Rule 1: Endings Starting With ㄴ,ㅂ,ㅅ To conjugate ㄹ irregular verbs with endings starting with ㄴ,ㅂ,or ㅅ, ㄹ is dropped from the verb stem. For example 살다 (to live) + the ending 네요 becomes 사네요. This is because ㄹ is dropped from the verb stem before adding the ending. ‼️Rule 2: Endings Starting With 으 or 스 When conjugating ㄹ irregular verbs with endings starting with 으 or 스, the first thing you must do is drop 으 / 스 from the ending. After dropping 으 / 스 from the ending, the next thing you must do is decide whether or not to drop ㄹ from the verb stem. 살다 + (으)니까 = 사니까 살다 + (으)면 = 살면 ‼️Rule 3: Endings Starting With (으)ㄹ This next conjugation rule is quite simple. When you want to conjugate ㄹ irregular verb with an ending which starts with (으)ㄹ, drop (으)ㄹ from the ending. For example: 만들다 (to make) + (으)ㄹ 거예요 (future tense ending) = 만들 거예요. ‼️Rule 4: All Other Endings When conjugating an irregular ㄹ verb with an ending which is different to the ones mentioned above, then there is no special conjugation rule. They are conjugated just the same as regular verbs and adjectives. For example 알다 (to know) + 아요/어요 (present tense) = 알아요. In this example, just like regular verbs, the verb stem does not change. ❣️ㄹ Irregular Example Sentences 어디에 사세요? (살다) Where do you live? 우리 집은 직장에서 멉니다. (멀다) My house is far from my workplace. 더워요? 창문을 좀 열까요? (열다) Are you hot? Shall I open the window? 우리 내일 같이 놀까요? (놀다) Shall we hang out tomorrow? 외국 생활은 힘들지만 재미있어요. (힘들다) Living overseas is hard, but it is fun. 🔰ㄹ Irregular Verb / ㄹ 불규칙 열다 To open 멀다 To be far 살다 To live 팔다 To sell 놀다 To play 알다 To know 달다 To weigh; To be sweet 불다 To blow 길다 To be long 걸다 To hang 밀다 To push, to nudge 울다 To cry, to weep 들다 To hold, to take 돌다 To turn, to rotate 풀다 To untie, to undo 늘다 To grow, to increase 갈다 To replace; To sharpen 물다 To bite, to snap [animals] 만들다 To make 힘들다 To be difficult, to be tiresome 이끌다 To lead, to guide 거칠다 To be rough, to be coarse 기울다 To incline, to tilt 달려들다 To attack, to spring out at.

🌟ㅂ Irregular Verb 쉽다 To be easy 맵다 To be spicy 춥다 To be cold 덥다 To be hot 돕다* To help 곱다* To be charming, to be lovely 굽다 To roast, to bake 깁다 To sew, to mend 줍다 To pick up; To find 눕다 To lie 무겁다 To be heavy 가볍다 To be light 고맙다 To be thankful 어렵다 To be difficult 더럽다 To be dirty 무섭다 To be scary, to be frightening 두렵다 To be fearful, to be scared 반갑다 To be glad, to be pleasant 부럽다 To be envious 어둡다 To be dark, to be gloomy 즐겁다 To be pleasant, to be enjoyable 귀엽다 To be cute 참답다 To be truthful, to be sincere 새롭다 To be new 외롭다 To be lonely, to be solitary 해롭다 To be detrimental 이롭다 To be beneficial 아름답다 To be beautiful 까다롭다 To be picky to be choosy 흥미롭다 To be interesting ------------------------------------------------ 🌟ㅅ Irregular Verb / ㅅ 불규칙 긋다 To draw (a line) 낫다 To be better; To be cured 젓다 To stir, to whip 잣다 To spin 짓다 To build, to write 잇다 To connect, to link 붓다 To swell; To pour 특징짓다 To characterize 눈물짓다 To shed tears, to weep 농사짓다 To farm 가로젓다 To shake your head 🌟ㅅ Irregular Verb / ㅅ 불규칙 긋다 To draw (a line) 낫다 To be better; To be cured 젓다 To stir, to whip 잣다 To spin 짓다 To build, to write 잇다 To connect, to link 붓다 To swell; To pour 특징짓다 To characterize 눈물짓다 To shed tears, to weep 농사짓다 To farm 가로젓다 To shake your head ----------------------------------------------- 🌟 ㅡ Irregular Verb / ㅡ 불규칙 크다 To be big 쓰다 To write; To use 끄다 To turn off 예쁘다 To be pretty 바쁘다 To be busy 아프다 To be painful, to be sick 고프다 To be hungry 나쁘다 To be bad 기쁘다 To be happy 슬프다 To be sad 잠그다 To lock 모으다 To gather, to collect -------------------------------------------- 🔰ㄷ Irregular Verb / ㄷ 불규칙 듣다 To listen; To hear 묻다 To ask 걷다 To walk 싣다 To load 붇다 To swell; To rise 치닫다 To run up, to go up 깨닫다 To realize, to notice 파묻다 To bury 알아듣다 To understand, to follow Regular ㄷ Verbs 닫다 – to close 믿다 – to believe 받다 – to receive 얻다 – to get 묻다 – to bury 쏟다 – to pour 돋다 – to rise 곧다 – to be straight 굳다 – to harden 딛다 – to step 내딛다 – to step forward --------------------------------------------- 🔰List ㅎ Irregular Verb / ㅎ 불규칙 까맣다 To be black 하얗다 To be white 노랗다 To be yellow 파랗다 To be blue 빨갛다 To be red 이렇다 To be like this 그렇다 To be like that 저렇다 To be like that over there 어떻다 To be like what, to be how ------------------------------------------- 🔰ㄹ Irregular Verb / ㄹ 불규칙 열다 To open 멀다 To be far 살다 To live 팔다 To sell 놀다 To play 알다 To know 달다 To weigh; To be sweet 불다 To blow 길다 To be long 걸다 To hang 밀다 To push, to nudge 울다 To cry, to weep 들다 To hold, to take 돌다 To turn, to rotate 풀다 To untie, to undo 늘다 To grow, to increase 갈다 To replace; To sharpen 물다 To bite, to snap [animals] 만들다 To make 힘들다 To be difficult, to be tiresome 이끌다 To lead, to guide 거칠다 To be rough, to be coarse 기울다 To incline, to tilt 달려들다 To attack, to spring out at.

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