
Apr 25, 2023

Japanese Survival Phrases


Japanese Survival Phrases

Japanese Survival Phrases

Japanese Survival Phrases

Basic Phrases Hai. Yes. はい。 Iie. No. いいえ。 O-negai shimasu. Please. おねがいします。 Arigatō. Thank you. ありがとう。 Dōitashimashite. You're welcome. どういたしまして。 Sumimasen. Excuse me. すみません。 Gomennasai. I am sorry. ごめんなさい。 Ohayō gozaimasu. Good morning. おはようございます。 Konbanwa. Good evening. こんばんは。 O-yasumi nasai. Good night. おやすみなさい。 Do more than survive in Japanese. Start speaking sooner with 50+ hours of online courses. Start for Free Meeting and Greeting Eigo o hanasemasu ka. Do you speak English? えいごをはなせますか。 Koko ni eigo o hanaseru hito wa imasu ka. Does anyone here speak English? ここに えいごおはなせるひとはいますか。 Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen. I only speak a little Japanese. わたしは にほんごがすこししか はなせません。 O-namae wa nan desu ka. What is your name? おなまえはなんですか。 Watashi no namae wa Kaori desu. My name is Kaorii. わたしのなまえは かおりです。 O-genki desu ka. How are you? おげんきですか。 Genki desu. I'm fine. Thank you. げんきです。 Oaidekite ureshī desu. I am very glad to meet you. おあいできて うれしいです。 Wakarimasen. I don't understand. わかりません。 Nante iimashita ka. What did you say? なんていいましたか。 Motto yukkuri hanashite kudasai. Can you speak more slowly? もっと ゆっくりはなしてください。 Yoku wakarimasu. I understand you perfectly. よくわかります。 Dialog Sumisu-san: Oha yō gozaimasu. Good morning. おはようございます。 Eigo o hanasemasu ka. Do you speak English? えいごをはなせますか。 Ten-in: Sumimasen. I'm sorry. すみません。 Eigo wa hanasemasen. I do not speak English. えいごは はなせません。 Sumisu-san: Watashi wa nihongo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen. Unfortunately, I speak only a little Japanese. わたしは にほんごがすこししかはなせません。 Ten-in: Dai jōbu desu. That's all right. だいじょうぶです。 Wakarimasu. I understand you. わかります。


" WOW" "Amazing" in Japanese is "すごい" (sugoi). It can be used to express awe, wonder, or admiration.

"I want to rap" in Japanese as "ラップしたい" (rappu shitai).

"I am excited to learn Japanese" in Japanese can be expressed as "日本語を学ぶことが楽しみです" (Nihongo o manabu koto ga tanoshimi desu).

"I am looking for a job" in Japanese as "仕事を探しています" (Shigoto o sagashite imasu).

"What is your favorite food?" in Japanese can be expressed as "あなたの好きな食べ物は何ですか?" (Anata no suki na tabemono wa nan desu ka?)

"My favorite food is tagine" in Japanese can be expressed as "私の好きな食べ物はタジンです" (Watashi no suki na tabemono wa tajin desu).

The phrase "You are lucky if you find a Chief husband" can be translated to "料理上手な夫を見つけると幸運です" (Ryōri jōzu na otto o mitsukeru to kōun desu) in Japanese.

"What kind of food do you like?" in Japanese can be expressed as "どんな食べ物が好きですか?" (Donna tabemono ga suki desu ka?)

"A hammer" in Japanese is "ハンマー" (hanmaa), which is a loanword from English.

おやすみなさいpolite Oyasumi nasai おやすみ Oyasumi

"I am flying" in Japanese can be expressed as "私は飛んでいます" (Watashi wa tonde imasu).

Learn Japanese | Minna No Nihongo

How to write Japanese Hiragana

How to write Japanese Katakana

Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary

Jisho.org: Japanese Dictionary https://jisho.org/ Easy Japanese: Learn to Speak Japanese Quickly! https://www.pdfdrive.com/download.pdf?id=176384804&h=b80d7c8f30c21d03d0725a27e2967997&u=cache&ext=pdf First Words - Japanese: 100 Japanese words to learn https://www.pdfdrive.com/download.pdf?id=176379267&h=5f945d4f274ac8de45cf006aae7e7646&u=cache&ext=pdf Essential Japanese Phrasebook & Dictionary: Speak Japanese with Confidence! https://www.pdfdrive.com/essential-japanese-phrasebook-dictionary-speak-japanese-with-confidence-d156663445.html The Complete Guide to Japanese Kanji: (JLPT All Levels) Remembering and Understanding the 2136 Standard Characters https://www.pdfdrive.com/download.pdf?id=187089505&h=fb14d6fc51ad7a9e6368be1a70bf7d7f&u=cache&ext=pdf My First Japanese Kanji Book: Learning kanji the fun and easy way! https://www.pdfdrive.com/my-first-japanese-kanji-book-learning-kanji-the-fun-and-easy-way-d156661989.html Japanese Vocabulary for English Speakers English-Japanese - 5000 Words https://www.pdfdrive.com/japanese-vocabulary-for-english-speakers-english-japanese-5000-words-d195201371.html A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar https://www.pdfdrive.com/download.pdf?id=18719828&h=eb3788c062a1c52c5d4cfc50085c0b50&u=cache&ext=pdf Japanese-English and English-Japanese dictionary http://deriv.nls.uk/dcn6/7988/79881705.6.pdf

Liist of the 1000 most common Japanese words: 1. あの (ano) - that, um... 2. いく (iku) - to go 3. いっしょうけんめい (isshoukenmei) - with utmost effort 4. いつ (itsu) - when 5. いま (ima) - now 6. いち (ichi) - one 7. うえ (ue) - above 8. うしろ (ushiro) - behind 9. うまれる (umareru) - to be born 10. えいご (eigo) - English 11. えき (eki) - train station 12. おおきい (ookii) - big 13. おおい (ooi) - many 14. おしえる (oshieru) - to teach 15. おしゃべり (oshaberi) - talkative 16. おじさん (ojisan) - uncle 17. おとうさん (otousan) - father 18. おととい (ototoi) - the day before yesterday 19. おなか (onaka) - stomach 20. おにいさん (oniisan) - older brother 21. おばあさん (obaasan) - grandmother 22. おばさん (obasan) - aunt 23. おもしろい (omoshiroi) - interesting 24. およぐ (oyogu) - to swim 25. おわる (owaru) - to end 26. かいしゃ (kaisha) - company 27. かう (kau) - to buy 28. かえる (kaeru) - to go home, to return 29. かかる (kakaru) - to take time, to cost 30. かぎ (kagi) - key 31. かく (kaku) - to write 32. かける (kakeru) - to make a phone call, to put on 33. かさ (kasa) - umbrella 34. かしゅ (kashu) - singer 35. かぜ (kaze) - cold, wind 36. かぞえる (kazoeru) - to count 37. かた (kata) - person 38. かたかな (katakana) - katakana 39. かち (kachi) - value, worth 40. かど (kado) - corner 41. かな (kana) - kana 42. かばん (kaban) - bag 43. かびん (kabin) - vase 44. かぶる (kaburu) - to wear (on head) 45. かみ (kami) - paper 46. かもしれない (kamoshirenai) - might, could 47. から (kara) - from 48. からだ (karada) - body 49. かりる (kariru) - to borrow 50. かわ (kawa) - river 51. かわいい (kawaii) - cute 52. がくせい (gakusei) - student 53. がっこう (gakkou) - school 54. がんばる (ganbaru) - to do one's best 55. きいろい (kiiroi) - yellow 56. きく (kiku) - to listen 57. きた (kita) - north 58. きたない (kitanai) - dirty 59. きっさてん (kissaten) - cafe 60. きっと (kitto) - surely 61. きのう (kinou) - yesterday 62. きゅう (kyuu) - nine 63. きょう (kyou) - today 64. きょうしつ (kyoushitsu) - classroom 65. きる (kiru) - to wear (on body) 66. きれい (kirei) - pretty, clean 67. ぎんこう (ginkou) - bank 68. くすり (kusuri) - medicine 69. くだもの (kudamono) - fruit 70. くち (kuchi) - mouth 71. くつ (kutsu) - shoes 72. くに (kuni) - country 73. くもり (kumori) - cloudy 74. くらい (kurai) - about, approximately 75. くる (kuru) - to come 76. くろい (kuroi) - black 77. けさ (kesa) - this morning 78. けす (kesu) - to turn off 79. けっこんする (kekkon suru) - to get married 80. けど (kedo) - but 81. けれども (keredomo) - but 82. げんかん (genkan) - entrance 83. げんき (genki) - healthy, energetic 84. こうえん (kouen) - park 85. こうくうびん (koukuubin) - air mail 86. こうちゃ (koucha) - black tea 87. こうばん (kouban) - police box 88. こえ (koe) - voice 89. ここ (koko) - here 90. ここのつ (kokonotsu) - nine (things) 91. ご (go) - language, polite prefix 92. ことし (kotoshi) - this year 93. こども (kodomo) - child 94. この (kono) - this 95. ごはん (gohan) - cooked rice, meal 96. ごめんなさい (gomennasai) - I'm sorry 97. さあ (saa) - well, now... 98. さい (sai) - years old 99. さかな (sakana) - fish 100. さくぶん (sakubun) - composition 101. さす (sasu) - to shine, to turn on 102. ざっし (zasshi) - magazine 103. さとう (satou) - sugar 104. さむい (samui) - cold (weather) 105. さん (san) - Mr./Ms., three 106. し (shi) - four 107. しかたがない (shikata ga nai) - it can't be helped 108. しけん (shiken) - exam 109. しごと (shigoto) - work, job 110. しずか (shizuka) - quiet 111. しずかに (shizuka ni) - quietly 112. じしょ (jisho) - dictionary 113. じだい (jidai) - era, age 114. した (shita) - below 115. しち (shichi) - seven 116. しつもん (shitsumon) - question 117. じてんしゃ (jitensha) - bicycle 118. じびき (jibiki) - dictionary 119. じぶん (jibun) - oneself 120. しまう (shimau) - to finish, to put away 121. しまった (shimatta) - darn it! 122. しめる (shimeru) - to close, to fasten 123. しょうがくせい (shougakusei) - elementary school student 124. しょうゆ (shouyu) - soy sauce 125. しる (shiru) - to know 126. しろい (shiroi) - white 127. じろじろ (jirojiro) - staring, fixedly 128. じんじゃ (jinja) - shrine 129. すいようび (suiyoubi) - Wednesday 130. すき (suki) - like 131. すぐ (sugu) - immediately, soon 132. すごい (sugoi) - amazing, great 133. すこし (sukoshi) - a little 134. ずっと (zutto) - all the time, continuously

How to learn language for free?

How to learn language for free? Japanese DuoLingo Japanese – Web site https://www.duolingo.com/enroll/ja/en/Learn-Japanese Learn Japanese in just 5 minutes a day. For free. Easy Japanese – Web site https://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/ A free course from the Japanese national broadcaster, NHK https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/learnjapanese/ . This audio and text-based course of 48 lessons is designed for beginners. Easy Japanese for Work – Web site https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/tv/easyjapaneseforwork/ Accelerate your Japanese language skills! Learn practical, effective workplace expressions, understand business culture and improve your kanji. From NHK. Easy Travel Japanese – Web site When traveling in Japan for the first time, what phrases do you need? Each 3-minute episode provides simple expressions you can put to use as soon as you land. The program also offers tips for getting around the country. Easy Japanese: Grammar Lessons – Web site https://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/english/ Learn grammar from NHK. Foreign Service Institute Japanese – Web site https://fsi-languages.yojik.eu/languages/oldfsi/languages/japanese.html https://www.nhk.or.jp/lesson/english/easytravel_j/ Student guide, textbook, glossary, flashcards (PDF) and nine audio lessons (MP3). JapanesePod101.com – iTunes Free https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/learn-japanese-japanesepod101-com-audio/id112831729 – Feed https://www.japanesepod101.com/feed Over 100 quality lessons aimed at the beginner. Users give it high marks. Let’s Speak Japanese Basic – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB3F2C5D8B5F81F34 26 video lessons produced by the Japan Foundation. Let’s Learn Japanese Basic II – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAEBCBE42876C028A 25 video lessons produced by the Japan Foundation. Marugoto Japanese Online Course – Web Site https://www.marugoto-online.jp/info/ The Marugoto Japanese Online Course is a course for learning Japanese language skills comprehensively. It’s operated by the Japan Foundation. https://www.jpf.go.jp/e/ Weekly News in Simple Japanese – Web site https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/learnjapanese/audionews/ From the Japanese broadcaster NHK.

Here are some free resources you can use to learn Japanese: These resources provide a variety of learning materials such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing. I hope this helps you on your Japanese language learning journey! 1. NHK World - Easy Japanese: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/learnjapanese/easy/ 2. Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese: https://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/ 3. Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/course/ja/en/Learn-Japanese 4. Memrise: https://www.memrise.com/courses/english/japanese/ 5. JapanesePod101: https://www.japanesepod101.com/ 6. Imabi: https://www.imabi.net/ 7. Jisho: https://jisho.org/ 8. Kanji Study: https://kanji.study/ 9. Anki: https://apps.ankiweb.net/ 10. Japanese Ammo with Misa: https://www.japaneseammo.com/ 11. Japanesetest4you: https://japanesetest4you.com/ 12. Maggie Sensei: https://maggiesensei.com/ 13. Learn Japanese from Zero: https://www.learnjapanesefromzero.com/ 14. Lingodeer: https://www.lingodeer.com/ 15. Japanese-Online: https://www.japanese-online.com/ 16. Kanji Alive: https://app.kanjialive.com/ 17. Nihongo Shark: https://nihongoshark.com/ 18. Japanese Language Learning Resources: https://www.japaneselanguageguide.com/ 19. Japanese Grammar Guide: http://www.jgram.org/ 20. Wasabi: https://www.wasabi-jpn.com/

List of 1000 most common Japanese words and expressions. 1. Tofugu's "Japanese Vocabulary List": https://www.tofugu.com/japanese/japanese-vocabulary-list/ 2. FluentU's "1000 Most Common Japanese Words": https://www.fluentu.com/blog/japanese/most-common-japanese-words/ 3. LinguaJunkie's "1000 Most Common Japanese Words": https://www.linguajunkie.com/japanese/1000-most-common-japanese-words 4. JapanesePod101's "1000 Most Common Japanese Words": https://www.japanesepod101.com/japanese-word-lists/?coreX=1000 5. NHK World Japan's "Basic Japanese Vocabulary": https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/learnjapanese/challenge/basic/ 6. Memrise's "1000 Most Common Japanese Words": https://www.memrise.com/course/1031735/1000-most-common-japanese-words/ 7. JapanesePod101's "Top 100 Japanese Words": https://www.japanesepod101.com/japanese-word-lists/?coreX=100 8. Lingualift's "500 Most Common Japanese Words": https://www.lingualift.com/blog/500-most-common-japanese-words/ 9. Japanese Language Learning Resources' "1000 Basic Japanese Words": https://www.japaneselanguageguide.com/1000-basic-japanese-words/ 10. Nihongo Shark's "1000 Most Common Japanese Words": https://nihongoshark.com/1000-most-common-japanese-words/

135. すみません (sumimasen) - excuse me, I'm sorry 136. すやすや (suyasuya) - sound asleep 137. すわる (suwaru) - to sit 138. せいと (seito) - student 139. せかい (sekai) - world 140. せき (seki) - seat 141. せきにん (sekinin) - responsibility 142. せん (sen) - thousand 143. せんせい (sensei) - teacher 144. ぜんぶ (zenbu) - all, everything 145. そう (sou) - so, that way 146. そうじ (souji) - cleaning 147. そうして (soushite) - and then 148. そと (soto) - outside 149. その (sono) - that 150. そば (soba) - soba (buckwheat noodles) 151. それ (sore) - that 152. たいしかん (taishikan) - embassy 153. たいへん (taihen) - difficult, hard 154. たいら (taira) - plain, flat land 155. たいりょく (tairyoku) - physical strength 156. たおれる (taoreru) - to fall down 157. たかい (takai) - high, tall, expensive 158. たくさん (takusan) - many, a lot 159. たつ (tatsu) - to stand up 160. たてもの (tatemono) - building 161. たのしい (tanoshii) - enjoyable, fun 162. たのむ (tanomu) - to ask (a favor) 163. たばこ (tabako) - tobacco, cigarettes 164. たび (tabi) - travel, trip 165. だいがく (daigaku) - university 166. だいじょうぶ (daijoubu) - okay, all right 167. だから (dakara) - therefore, because 168. だけ (dake) - only 169. たしか (tashika) - certain, sure 170. たすかる (tasukaru) - to be saved, to be helped 171. たべもの (tabemono) - food 172. たまご (tamago) - egg 173. だるい (darui) - tired, sluggish 174. ちいさい (chiisai) - small, little 175. ちかい (chikai) - near, close 176. ちかてつ (chikatetsu) - subway 177. ちがう (chigau) - to be different 178. ちかく (chikaku) - nearby 179. ちかっと (chikatto) - closely, tightly 180. ちこくする (chikoku suru) - to be late 181. ちゃいろい (chairoi) - brown 182. ちゃわん (chawan) - rice bowl 183. ちゅうしゃじょう (chuushajou) - parking lot 184. ちょうど (choudo) - just, exactly 185. ちょっと (chotto) - a little, a bit 186. つかう (tsukau) - to use 187. つかれる (tsukareru) - to get tired 188. つぎ (tsugi) - next 189. つく (tsuku) - to arrive, to turn on 190. つくえ (tsukue) - desk 191. つける (tsukeru) - to turn on 192. つごう (tsugou) - circumstances, conditions 193. つたえる (tsutaeru) - to convey, to communicate 194. つまらない (tsumaranai) - boring 195. つめたい (tsumetai) - cold (to the touch) 196. つよい (tsuyoi) - strong 197. て (te) - hand 198. てがみ (tegami) - letter 199. てがる (tegaru) - to be skillful, to be good at 200. てつだう (tetsudau) - to help 201. てんき (tenki) - weather 202. とうきょう (toukyou) - Tokyo 203. どう (dou) - how 204. どうして (doushite) - why, how come 205. どうぞ (douzo) - please, here you are 206. とお (too) - far 207. とおい (tooi) - far 208. とき (toki) - time 209. とけい (tokei) - watch, clock 210. とける (tokeru) - to melt 211. とこや (tokoya) - barber shop 212. とし (toshi) - year, age 213. としょかん (toshokan) - library 214. とにかく (tonikaku) - anyway, anyhow 215. とぶ (tobu) - to fly 216. とまる (tomaru) - to stop 217. とめる (tomeru) - to stop, to park 218. ともだち (tomodachi) - friend 219. とる (toru) - to take, to get 220. とんかつ (tonkatsu) - breaded and fried pork cutlet 221. ない (nai) - not 222. ないしょ (naisho) - secret 223. なか (naka) - inside 224. なかなか (nakanaka) - quite, pretty 225. なつ (natsu) - summer 226. など (nado) - and so on 227. なに (nani) - what 228. なにか (nanika) - something 229. なのか (nano ka) - is it so that...? 230. なまえ (namae) - name 231. ならう (narau) - to learn 232. なる (naru) - to become 233. なるほど (naruhodo) - I see, that makes sense 234. に (ni) - at, to, in 235. にがて (nigate) - not good at, weak in 236. にぎやか (nigiyaka) - lively, bustling 237. にく (niku) - meat 238. にし (nishi) - west 239. にちようび (nichiyoubi) - Sunday 240. にっき (nikki) - diary 241. にっこう (nikkou) - sunshine 242. にもつ (nimotsu) - luggage 243. にわ (niwa) - garden, yard 244. のき (noki) - eaves 245. のど (nodo) - throat 246. のみもの (nomimono) - drink 247. のむ (nomu) - to drink 248. のりかえる (norikaeru) - to transfer (trains) 249. のる (noru) - to ride, to take (transportation) 250. はい (hai) - yes 251. はいざら (haizara) - ashtray 252. はいる (hairu) - to enter, to go in 253. はがき (hagaki) - postcard 254. はく (haku) - to put on (clothes below the waist) 255. はこ (hako) - box 256. はし (hashi) - chopsticks 257. はしる (hashiru) - to run 258. はたけ (hatake) - field, farm 259. はたらく (hataraku) - to work 260. はち (hachi) - eight 261. はつおん (hatsuon) - pronunciation 262. はっきり (hakkiri) - clearly, plainly 263. はな (hana) - flower 264. はなし (hanashi) - talk, conversation 265. はなす (hanasu) - to speak, to talk 266. はなれる (hanareru) - to be separated, to

be apart 267. はねる (haneru) - to jump, to hop 268. はやい (hayai) - fast, early 269. はやくち (hayakuchi) - fast-talking 270. はる (haru) - spring 271. はん (han) - half 272. はんたい (hantai) - opposition, resistance 273. はんばい (hanbai) - sales 274. ひがし (higashi) - east 275. ひく (hiku) - to pull, to play (stringed instrument) 276. ひさし (hisashi) - eaves, porch 277. ひだり (hidari) - left 278. ひっこす (hikkosu) - to move (houses) 279. ひと (hito) - person 280. ひとつ (hitotsu) - one (thing) 281. ひとり (hitori) - one person 282. ひま (hima) - free time, spare time 283. ひゃく (hyaku) - hundred 284. びじゅつかん (bijutsukan) - art museum, gallery 285. びっくりする (bikkuri suru) - to be surprised 286. ひょう (hyou) - table, chart 287. ひょうじゅん (hyoujun) - standard, norm 288. ひる (hiru) - noon, daytime 289. ひるごはん (hirugohan) - lunch 290. びん (bin) - bottle 291. ふうとう (fuutou) - envelope 292. ふえる (fueru) - to increase, to multiply 293. ふく (fuku) - clothes 294. ふたつ (futatsu) - two (things) 295. ふたり (futari) - two people 296. ふとい (futoi) - thick, fat 297. ふとる (futoru) - to gain weight 298. ふね (fune) - boat, ship 299. ふる (furu) - to fall (rain or snow), to shake 300. ふるい (furui) - old (not used for people) 301. ふろ (furo) - bath 302. ふん (fun) - minute (unit of time) 303. へいわ (heiwa) - peace 304. へえ (hee) - oh, really? 305. へた (heta) - unskilled, poor 306. へや (heya) - room 307. べんきょう (benkyou) - study, learning 308. べんり (benri) - convenient, handy 309. ほか (hoka) - other, another 310. ほしい (hoshii) - want, desire 311. ほそい (hosoi) - thin, narrow 312. ほたる (hotaru) - firefly 313. ほん (hon) - book 314. ほんとう (hontou) - truth, reality 315. ぼうし (boushi) - hat, cap 316. ぼく (boku) - I (used by males) 317. ぼくじょう (bokujou) - farm 318. ほんや (honya) - bookstore 319. ほんらい (honrai) - really, truly 320. まいあさ (mai asa) - every morning 321. まいばん (mai ban) - every evening 322. まいにち (mainichi) - every day 323. まいしゅう (maishuu) - every week 324. まいつき (maituki) - every month 325. まいとし (maitoshi) - every year 326. まえ (mae) - before, in front of 327. まがる (magaru) - to turn (left or right) 328. まずい (mazui) - unappetizing, bad taste 329. また (mata) - again, also 330. まだ (mada) - still, not yet 331. まち (machi) - town, city 332. まつ (matsu) - to wait, to pine (for) 333. まっすぐ (massugu) - straight, directly 334. まるい (marui) - round, circular 335. まんが (manga) - comic book, manga 336. みがく (migaku) - to polish, to brush (teeth) 337. みぎ (migi) - right 338. みじかい (mijikai) - short 339. みず (mizu) - water 340. みせ (mise) - shop, store 341. みせる (miseru) - to show, to display 342. みち (michi) - road, street 343. みっつ (mittsu) - three (things) 344. みどり (midori) - green 345. みなさん (minasan) - everyone 346. みなみ (minami) - south 347. みんな (minna) - everyone 348. むかし (mukashi) - a long time ago 349. むこう (mukou) - beyond, over there 350. むすこ (musuko) - son 351. むすめ (musume) - daughter 352. め (me) - eye 353. めがね (megane) - eyeglasses 354. めずらしい (mezurashii) - rare, unusual 355. もう (mou) - already, yet, anymore 356. もうしあげる (moushiageru) - to say, to speak (humble) 357. もくようび (mokuyoubi) - Thursday 358. もちろん (mochiron) - of course 359. もつ (motsu) - to have, to own, to carry 360. もっと (motto) - more 361. もの (mono) - thing 362. もんだい (mondai) - problem, question 363. やおや (yaoya) - greengrocer 364. やさい (yasai) - vegetable 365. やさしい (yasashii) - gentle, kind 366. やすい (yasui) - cheap, easy 367. やすみ (yasumi) - holiday, day off 368. やすむ (yasumu) - to rest, to take a break 369. やっつ (yattsu) - eight (things) 370. やっぱり (yappari) - also, as expected 371. やる (yaru) - to do, to give (to someone inferior) 372. ゆうがた (yuugata) - evening 373. ゆうびんきょく (yuubinkyoku) - post office 374. ゆうめい (yuumei) - famous 375. ゆうめいじん (yuumeijin) - celebrity, famous person 376. ゆき (yuki) - snow 377. ゆっくり (yukkuri) - slowly, leisurely 378. ゆめ (yume) - dream 379. ようか (youka) - eighth day of the month 380. ようじ (youji) - business, affairs 381. ようじん (youjin) - careful, cautious 382. ようす (yousu) - appearance, state 383. よく (yoku) - often, well 384. よこ (yoko) - horizontal, sideways 385. よこがお (yokogao) - profile (of the face) 386. よしゅう (yoshuu) - preparation, study 387. よる (yoru) - night 388. よわい (yowai) - weak 389. よん (yon) - four (used in some contexts instead of し) 390. よんじゅうよっか (yonjuuyokka) - forty-fourth day of the month 391. らいげつ (raigetsu) - next month 392. らいしゅう (raishuu)

- next week 393. らいねん (rainen) - next year 394. らくがき (rakugaki) - scribble, doodle 395. らしい (rashii) - seeming, like 396. らっぱ (rappa) - trumpet 397. らんち (ranchi) - lunch, meal 398. りこう (rikou) - clever, smart 399. りこん (rikon) - divorce 400. りっぱ (rippa) - splendid, fine 401. りゅうがくせい (ryuugakusei) - international student 402. りょう (ryou) - both 403. りょうり (ryouri) - cooking, cuisine 404. りんご (ringo) - apple 405. るすばん (rusuban) - house-sitting, taking care of a house while the owner is away 406. れいぞうこ (reizouko) - refrigerator 407. れきし (rekishi) - history 408. れんしゅう (renshuu) - practice, training 409. ろうか (rouka) - hallway 410. ろうそく (rousoku) - candle 411. ろく (roku) - six (things) 412. ろくがつ (rokugatsu) - June 413. わかい (wakai) - young 414. わかる (wakaru) - to understand 415. わすれる (wasureru) - to forget 416. わたし (watashi) - I (used by females) 417. わたる (wataru) - to cross (a bridge, etc.) 418. わるい (warui) - bad, evil 419. われわれ (wareware) - we, us 420. わん (wan) - bowl, pet dog

421. がっこう (gakkou) - school 422. かいがん (kaigan) - seaside, beach 423. かいしゃ (kaisha) - company, corporation 424. かいだん (kaidan) - stairs 425. かいわ (kaiwa) - conversation 426. かえす (kaesu) - to return (something) 427. かえる (kaeru) - to go back, to return (home) 428. かお (kao) - face 429. かかる (kakaru) - to take time or money, to be involved 430. かぎ (kagi) - key 431. かく (kaku) - to write, to draw 432. かぐ (kagu) - furniture 433. かげ (kage) - shadow 434. かける (kakeru) - to make a phone call, to wear (glasses, etc.), to bet 435. かさ (kasa) - umbrella 436. かしゅ (kashu) - singer 437. かじ (kaji) - fire 438. かじつ (kajitsu) - fruit 439. かぜ (kaze) - wind, cold 440. かぜをひく (kaze wo hiku) - to catch a cold 441. かぞく (kazoku) - family 442. かた (kata) - person (polite) 443. かたい (katai) - hard, stiff 444. かたづける (katadzukeru) - to tidy up, to put in order 445. かち (kachi) - value, worth 446. かっこう (kakkou) - style, appearance 447. かって (katte) - shopping, a purchase 448. かつ (katsu) - to win, to be victorious 449. かとう (katou) - sugar 450. かなしい (kanashii) - sad 451. かね (kane) - money 452. かばん (kaban) - bag, briefcase 453. かびん (kabin) - vase 454. かぶる (kaburu) - to put on (a hat, etc.) 455. かべ (kabe) - wall 456. かみ (kami) - paper, hair 457. かむ (kamu) - to bite, to chew 458. かもしれない (kamoshirenai) - may be, might be 459. からい (karai) - spicy, hot (taste) 460. かりる (kariru) - to borrow 461. かわ (kawa) - river, skin 462. かわいい (kawaii) - cute, adorable 463. がんばる (ganbaru) - to do one's best 464. き (ki) - tree, wood 465. きいろい (kiiroi) - yellow 466. きえる (kieru) - to disappear 467. きがつく (kigatsuku) - to notice, to realize 468. きく (kiku) - to hear, to ask 469. きっぷ (kippu) - ticket 470. きのう (kinou) - yesterday 471. きゅう (kyuu) - nine 472. きゅうり (kyuuri) - cucumber 473. きよう (kiyou) - useful, convenient 474. きれい (kirei) - pretty, clean 475. きんじょ (kinjo) - neighborhood 476. きんじょう (kinjou) - feeling tense, nervous 477. きんようび (kinyoubi) - Friday 478. ぎゅうにく (gyuuniku) - beef 479. ぎんこう (ginkou) - bank 480. くうき (kuuki) - air, atmosphere 481. くうこう (kuukou) - airport 482. くし (kushi) - comb 483. くすり (kusuri) - medicine 484. くだもの (kudamono) - fruit 485. くち (kuchi) - mouth 486. くつ (kutsu) - shoes 487. くに (kuni) - country 488. くもり (kumori) - cloudy weather 489. くらす (kurasu) - to live, to spend time 490. くるま (kuruma) - car 491. くろい (kuroi) - black 492. けいかく (keikaku) - plan 493. けさ (kesa) - this morning 494. けち (kechi) - stingy, cheap 495. けっこんする (kekkon suru) - to get married 496. げつようび (getsuyoubi) - Monday 497. げんかん (genkan) - entrance hall 498. げんき (genki) - healthy, lively 499. げんざい (genzai) - present, current 500. げんじつ (genjitsu) - reality

501. こうえん (kouen) - park 502. こうさてん (kousaten) - intersection 503. こうちゃ (koucha) - black tea 504. こうばん (kouban) - police box 505. こえ (koe) - voice 506. ここ (koko) - here 507. こしょう (koshou) - pepper 508. こたえる (kotaeru) - to answer, to reply 509. ことし (kotoshi) - this year 510. ことば (kotoba) - word, language 511. こども (kodomo) - child 512. こまる (komaru) - to be in trouble, to be bothered 513. この (kono) - this 514. ごみ (gomi) - garbage, trash 515. こむ (komu) - to be crowded 516. こめ (kome) - rice (uncooked) 517. こんがっき (kongakki) - musical instrument 518. こんしゅう (konshuu) - this week 519. こんな (konna) - such, like this 520. こんばん (konban) - tonight 521. さあ (saa) - well, now 522. ざっし (zasshi) - magazine 523. さとう (satou) - sugar 524. さむい (samui) - cold (weather) 525. さようなら (sayounara) - goodbye 526. さん (san) - Mr./Ms./Mrs. (title of respect) 527. しあい (shiai) - game, match 528. しお (shio) - salt 529. しかた (shikata) - way, method 530. じかん (jikan) - time 531. しごと (shigoto) - work, job 532. じしょ (jisho) - dictionary 533. しずか (shizuka) - quiet 534. した (shita) - under, below 535. しつもん (shitsumon) - question 536. じてんしゃ (jitensha) - bicycle 537. じぶん (jibun) - oneself 538. しま (shima) - island 539. しまる (shimaru) - to close, to be closed 540. しめる (shimeru) - to close, to shut 541. しゃしん (shashin) - photograph 542. しゃべる (shaberu) - to talk, to chat 543. じゅう (juu) - ten 544. しゅくだい (shukudai) - homework 545. しゅしょう (shushou) - prime minister 546. しょうがくせい (shougakusei) - elementary school student 547. しょうゆ (shouyu) - soy sauce 548. しんかんせん (shinkansen) - bullet train 549. しんぱい (shinpai) - worry, concern 550. じんじゃ (jinja) - shrine 551. すいようび (suiyoubi) - Wednesday 552. すき (suki) - to like 553. すごい (sugoi) - fantastic, amazing 554. すこし (sukoshi) - a little, a bit 555. すずしい (suzushii) - cool (weather) 556. すてる (suteru) - to throw away 557. する (suru) - to do 558. すわる (suwaru) - to sit 559. せいと (seito) - student 560. せかい (sekai) - world 561. せき (seki) - seat 562. せきにん (sekinin) - responsibility 563. せっけん (sekken) - soap 564. せん (sen) - thousand 565. せんしゅう (senshuu) - last week 566. せんせい (sensei) - teacher 567. ぜんぶ (zenbu) - all, everything 568. そう (sou) - so, like that 569. そうじ (souji) - cleaning, tidying up 570. そうして (soushite) - and then, after that 571. そこ (soko) - there 572. そちら (sochira) - there (polite) 573. そっち (socchi) - there (casual) 574. そと (soto) - outside 575. それ (sore) - that 576. それから (sorekara) - and then, after that 577. それでは (soredewa) - well then, in that case 578. たいしかん (taishikan) - embassy 579. たいへん (taihen) - difficult, hard 580. たいまつ (taimatsu) - torch 581. たいよう (taiyou) - sun 582. たいら (taira) - plain 583. たかい (takai) - high, tall, expensive 584. たくさん (takusan) - many, a lot 585. たこ (tako) - octopus 586. たのしい (tanoshii) - enjoyable, fun 587. たのむ (tanomu) - to request, to ask a favor 588. たばこ (tabako) - tobacco, cigarettes 589. たび (tabi) - travel, trip 590. たべもの (tabemono) - food 591. たまご (tamago) - egg 592. たまる (tamaru) - to accumulate, to pile up 593. たやすい (tayasui) - easy, simple 594. たりる (tariru) - to be sufficient, to be enough 595. だいがく (daigaku) - university 596. だいじょうぶ (daijoubu) - okay, all right 597. だいすき (daisuki) - love, like very much 598. たいせつ (taisetsu) - important 599. たいせつにする (taisetsu ni suru) - to value, to treasure 600. だいたい (daitai) - about, roughly

601. たいてい (taitei) - usually, mostly 602. だいぶ (daibu) - considerably, fairly 603. たいらげる (tairageru) - to eat up, to finish eating 604. たかい (takai) - expensive, high 605. たしか (tashika) - certain, sure 606. たすかる (tasukaru) - to be saved, to be helped 607. たすける (tasukeru) - to help, to save 608. たたかう (tatakau) - to fight 609. たちばな (tachibana) - mandarin orange 610. たつ (tatsu) - to stand, to rise 611. たてもの (tatemono) - building 612. たのむ (tanomu) - to request, to ask a favor 613. たば (taba) - cigarette 614. たび (tabi) - travel, trip 615. たびたび (tabitabi) - often, repeatedly 616. たまに (tamani) - occasionally, once in a while 617. たまる (tamaru) - to accumulate, to pile up 618. ためる (tameru) - to save, to accumulate 619. たやすい (tayasui) - easy, simple 620. たより (tayori) - news, information 621. たらい (tarai) - bucket 622. たりる (tariru) - to be sufficient, to be enough 623. だるい (darui) - sluggish, tired 624. ちかい (chikai) - near, close 625. ちかく (chikaku) - vicinity, neighborhood 626. ちかてつ (chikatetsu) - subway, metro 627. ちがう (chigau) - to be different, to be wrong 628. ちかん (chikan) - sexual harassment, molestation 629. ちず (chizu) - map 630. ちち (chichi) - father (casual) 631. ちっちゃい (chicchai) - small, little 632. ちゅうい (chuui) - caution, warning 633. ちゅうしゃじょう (chuusha jou) - parking lot 634. ちょうど (choudo) - exactly, just 635. ちょっと (chotto) - a little, a bit 636. ついたち (tsuitachi) - the first day of the month 637. つかう (tsukau) - to use 638. つかれる (tsukareru) - to get tired, to be exhausted 639. つき (tsuki) - moon 640. つく (tsuku) - to arrive, to reach 641. つくえ (tsukue) - desk 642. つける (tsukeru) - to turn on, to attach 643. つたえる (tsutaeru) - to convey, to communicate 644. つづく (tsuzuku) - to continue, to go on 645. つよい (tsuyoi) - strong, powerful 646. て (te) - hand 647. てがみ (tegami) - letter (correspondence) 648. てがる (tegaru) - to be skilled in 649. てくび (tekubi) - wrist 650. てつだう (tetsudau) - to help, to assist 651. てつや (tetsuya) - glossy, polished 652. てんき (tenki) - weather 653. とうきょう (toukyou) - Tokyo (capital of Japan) 654. とお (too) - far, distant 655. とおい (tooi) - far, distant 656. とおか (took a) - ten days 657. とき (toki) - time, moment 658. とけい (tokei) - watch, clock 659. とける (tokeru) - to melt, to thaw 660. とし (toshi) - year, age 661. としょかん (toshokan) - library

List of 100 common Japanese expressions with translation in English and French languages: 1. ありがとう (arigatou) - Thank you - Merci 2. いいえ (iie) - No - Non 3. はい (hai) - Yes - Oui 4. おはよう (ohayou) - Good morning - Bonjour 5. こんにちは (konnichiwa) - Hello, Good afternoon - Bonjour, Bon après-midi 6. こんばんは (konbanwa) - Good evening - Bonsoir 7. おやすみ (oyasumi) - Good night - Bonne nuit 8. さようなら (sayonara) - Goodbye - Au revoir 9. すみません (sumimasen) - Excuse me, I'm sorry - Excusez-moi, je suis désolé(e) 10. お願いします (onegaishimasu) - Please - S'il vous plaît 11. いただきます (itadakimasu) - Thank you for the food (before eating) - Merci pour le repas (avant de manger) 12. ごちそうさまでした (gochisousama deshita) - Thank you for the food (after eating) - Merci pour le repas (après avoir mangé) 13. おめでとうございます (omedetou gozaimasu) - Congratulations - Félicitations 14. ごめんなさい (gomennasai) - I'm sorry - Je suis désolé(e) 15. どういたしまして (douitashimashite) - You're welcome - De rien 16. またね (mata ne) - See you later - À plus tard 17. はじめまして (hajimemashite) - Nice to meet you - Enchanté(e) 18. おっしゃる通り (ossharu toori) - As you say - Comme vous dites 19. お早うございます (ohayou gozaimasu) - Good morning (polite) - Bonjour (poli) 20. お疲れ様です (otsukaresama desu) - Thank you for your hard work - Merci pour votre travail acharné 21. どこですか? (doko desu ka?) - Where is it? - Où est-ce ? 22. どちらですか? (dochira desu ka?) - Which one is it? - Lequel est-ce ? 23. どうしましたか? (doushimashita ka?) - What's wrong? - Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas ? 24. どうしてですか? (doushite desu ka?) - Why? - Pourquoi ? 25. いつですか? (itsu desu ka?) - When is it? - Quand est-ce ? 26. だれですか? (dare desu ka?) - Who is it? - Qui est-ce ? 27. お元気ですか? (ogenki desu ka?) - How are you? - Comment allez-vous ? 28. ありがとうございました (arigatou gozaimashita) - Thank you very much - Merci beaucoup 29. すごい (sugoi) - Amazing, great - Incroyable, super 30. かわいい (kawaii) - Cute - Mignon(ne) 31. おいしい (oishii) - Delicious - Délicieux(se) 32. たのしい (tanoshii) - Fun, enjoyable - Amusant(e) 33. かっこいい (kakkoii) - Cool, stylish - Cool, stylé(e) 34. きれい (kirei) - Beautiful, clean - Beau/belle, propre 35. つまらない (tsumaranai) - Boring, uninteresting - Ennuyeux(se), sans intérêt 36. げんき (genki) - Healthy, lively - En forme, vif/vive 37. はやい (hayai) - Fast, early - Rapide, tôt 38. おそい (osoi) - Slow, late - Lent(e), tardif/tardive 39. つかれた (tsukareta) - Tired - Fatigué(e) 40. あつい (atsui) - Hot - Chaud(e) 41. さむい (samui) - Cold - Froid(e) 42. ひま (hima) - Free time - Temps libre 43. いい (ii) - Good, nice - Bon(ne), agréable 44. わるい (warui) - Bad - Mauvais(e) 45. たいへん (taihen) - Terrible, difficult - Terrible, difficile 46. しんぱい (shinpai) - Worry, concern - Inquiétude, préoccupation 47. うれしい (ureshii) - Happy, glad - Heureux(se), content(e) 48. かなしい (kanashii) - Sad - Triste 49. びっくり (bikkuri) - Surprised, shocked - Surpris(e), choqué(e) 50. ほんとうに (hontou ni) - Really, truly - Vraiment, réellement 51. そうですね (sou desu ne) - That's right, isn't it? - C'est vrai, n'est-ce pas ? 52. まあまあ (maamaa) - So-so, okay - Comme ci, comme ça, d'accord 53. ちょっと待ってください (chotto matte kudasai) - Please wait a moment - Attendez un instant, s'il vous plaît 54. お大事に (odaiji ni) - Take care of yourself - Prenez soin de vous 55. もう一度言ってください (mou ichido itte kudasai) - Please say it again - Répétez, s'il vous plaît 56. ゆっくり話してください (yukkuri hanashite kudasai) - Please speak slowly - Parlez lentement, s'il vous plaît 57. お腹がすいた (onaka ga suita) - I'm hungry - J'ai faim 58. のどが渇いた (nodo ga kawaita) - I'm thirsty - J'ai soif 59. どうぞ (douzo) - Here you go, please - Voici, s'il vous plaît 60. もちろん (mochiron) - Of course - Bien sûr 61. それでは (sore dewa) - Well then - Eh bien 62. また後で (mata ato de) - See you later - À plus tard 63. おやすみなさい (oyasuminasai) - Good night (polite) - Bonne nuit (poli) 64. おめでとう (omedetou) - Congrats - Félicitations 65. お疲れ様 (otsukaresama) - Thanks for your hard work - Merci pour votre travail acharné 66. おつかれ (otsukare) - Good job, well done - Beau travail, bien fait 67. いただきます (itadakimasu) - Bon appétit - Bon appétit 68. ごめん (gomen) - Sorry - Désolé(e) 69. ごめんね (gomen ne) - Sorry (casual) - Désolé(e) (familier) 70. じゃあね (jaa ne) - See you later (casual) - À plus tard (familier) 71. じゃまた (ja mata) - See you later (casual) - À plus tard (familier) 72. そんな (sonna) - Like that - Comme ça 73. どちらかというと (dochira ka to iu to) - Rather, more like - Plutôt, plus comme 74. どうしても (doushitemo) - No matter what, by all means - Quoi qu'il arrive, à tout prix 75. どうでもいい (dou demo ii) - It doesn't matter - Peu importe 76. どうしたらいい? (doushitara ii?) - What should I do? - Que devrais-je faire ? 77. にほんごがわかりますか? (nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?) - Do you understand Japanese? - Comprenez-vous le japonais ? 78. えいごがはなせますか? (eigo ga hanasemasu ka?) - Can you speak English? - Pouvez-vous parler anglais ? 79. この

79. この (kono) - This - Ce/cette 80. その (sono) - That - Ce/cette 81. あの (ano) - That over there - Ce/cette là-bas 82. どの (dono) - Which - Lequel/laquelle 83. いくらですか? (ikura desu ka?) - How much is it? - Combien ça coûte ? 84. すごく (sugoku) - Very, extremely - Très, extrêmement 85. ほんとうに (hontou ni) - Really, truly - Vraiment, réellement 86. ちがう (chigau) - Wrong, different - Faux, différent(e) 87. あとで (ato de) - Later - Plus tard 88. いいえ、違います (iie, chigaimasu) - No, it's not right - Non, ce n'est pas ça 89. お願いがあります (onegai ga arimasu) - I have a request - J'ai une demande 90. かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita) - Understood - Bien compris 91. ごめんください (gomen kudasai) - May I come in? - Puis-je entrer ? 92. ごめんなさい、遅れます (gomennasai, okuremasu) - I'm sorry, I'm running late - Je suis désolé(e), je suis en retard 93. ごめんなさい、わかりません (gomennasai, wakarimasen) - I'm sorry, I don't understand - Je suis désolé(e), je ne comprends pas 94. ごめんなさい、手伝ってください (gomennasai, tetsudatte kudasai) - I'm sorry, can you help me? - Je suis désolé(e), pouvez-vous m'aider ? 95. ごめんなさい、聞き取れませんでした (gomennasai, kikitoremasen deshita) - I'm sorry, I didn't catch that - Je suis désolé(e), je n'ai pas compris 96. ごめんなさい、少し待ってください (gomennasai, sukoshi matte kudasai) - I'm sorry, can you wait a moment? - Je suis désolé(e), pouvez-vous attendre un instant ? 97. ごめんなさい、もう一度言ってください (gomennasai, mou ichido itte kudasai) - I'm sorry, can you say it again? - Je suis désolé(e), pouvez-vous répéter ? 98. ごめんなさい、遅くなりました (gomennasai, osoku narimashita) - I'm sorry, I'm running late - Je suis désolé(e), je suis en retard 99. ごめんなさい、電話がかかってきました (gomennasai, denwa ga kakatte kimashita) - I'm sorry, I have to take this call - Je suis désolé(e), je dois prendre cet appel 100. ごめんなさい、用事ができてしまいました (gomennasai, youji ga dekite shimaimashita) - I'm sorry, something's come up - Je suis désolé(e), quelque chose est survenu

79. この (kono) - This - Ce/cette 80. その (sono) - That - Ce/cette 81. あの (ano) - That over there - Ce/cette là-bas 82. どの (dono) - Which - Lequel/laquelle 83. いくらですか? (ikura desu ka?) - How much is it? - Combien ça coûte ? 84. すごく (sugoku) - Very, extremely - Très, extrêmement 85. ほんとうに (hontou ni) - Really, truly - Vraiment, réellement 86. ちがう (chigau) - Wrong, different - Faux, différent(e) 87. あとで (ato de) - Later - Plus tard 88. いいえ、違います (iie, chigaimasu) - No, it's not right - Non, ce n'est pas ça 89. お願いがあります (onegai ga arimasu) - I have a request - J'ai une demande 90. かしこまりました (kashikomarimashita) - Understood - Bien compris 91. ごめんください (gomen kudasai) - May I come in? - Puis-je entrer ? 92. ごめんなさい、遅れます (gomennasai, okuremasu) - I'm sorry, I'm running late - Je suis désolé(e), je suis en retard 93. ごめんなさい、わかりません (gomennasai, wakarimasen) - I'm sorry, I don't understand - Je suis désolé(e), je ne comprends pas 94. ごめんなさい、手伝ってください (gomennasai, tetsudatte kudasai) - I'm sorry, can you help me? - Je suis désolé(e), pouvez-vous m'aider ? 95. ごめんなさい、聞き取れませんでした (gomennasai, kikitoremasen deshita) - I'm sorry, I didn't catch that - Je suis désolé(e), je n'ai pas compris 96. ごめんなさい、少し待ってください (gomennasai, sukoshi matte kudasai) - I'm sorry, can you wait a moment? - Je suis désolé(e), pouvez-vous attendre un instant ? 97. ごめんなさい、もう一度言ってください (gomennasai, mou ichido itte kudasai) - I'm sorry, can you say it again? - Je suis désolé(e), pouvez-vous répéter ? 98. ごめんなさい、遅くなりました (gomennasai, osoku narimashita) - I'm sorry, I'm running late - Je suis désolé(e), je suis en retard 99. ごめんなさい、電話がかかってきました (gomennasai, denwa ga kakatte kimashita) - I'm sorry, I have to take this call - Je suis désolé(e), je dois prendre cet appel 100. ごめんなさい、用事ができてしまいました (gomennasai, youji ga dekite shimaimashita) - I'm sorry, something's come up - Je suis désolé(e), quelque chose est survenu

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