
Feb 20, 2022

Idioms with sample sentencesp


An arm and a leg Meaning: a lot of money A blessing in disguise Meaning: a good thing that seemed bad at first A dime a dozen Meaning: Something common Add insult to injury Meaning: worsen an unfavorable situation Against The Clock Meaning: Rushed and short on time. A stone’s throw Meaning: a short distance A short fuse Meaning: the personality trait of being quick to anger A penny for your thoughts Meaning: used to inquire into the thoughts A thumbs up Meaning: that’s good Be all ears Meaning: carefully listen, eager Blow smoke Meaning: speak with a lack of credibility, sense Bite the bullet Meaning: force yourself to do something difficult or unpleasant Beat around the bush Meaning: Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable Better late than never Meaning: Better to arrive late than not to come at all Bite the bullet Meaning: To get something over with because it is inevitable Break a leg Meaning: Good luck Call it a day Meaning: Stop working on something Chip on his shoulder Meaning: Angry today about something that occured in the past. Cut somebody some slack Meaning: Don’t be so critical Cutting corners Meaning: Doing something poorly in order to save time or money Down in the dumps Meaning: very sad and without much interest in life

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