
Mar 26, 2022


Twenty Five Idioms about the Heart β€œEat your heart out!” – an expression used to tell someone you think they will experience jealousy, regret, or anguish From the bottom of my heart – with utmost sincerity (and usually regret) β€œHave a heart!” – β€œShow some pity!”, β€œTry and be sympathetic!” Heart and soul – energy, enthusiasm In a heartbeat – immediately β€œMy heart bleeds for/goes out to…” – β€œI feel very sorry for/sympathetic towards…” To find it in your heart to do something – to summon up willingness to do something To follow your heart – to act according to your emotions and desires and not necessarily in the most rational, sensible way To get to the heart of something – to understand the central, most essential aspect of something To have a change of heart – to change your mind To have a heart of gold/stone – to be generous and kind/cold and cruel To have a heart to heart – to have an intimate conversation To have your heart miss/skip a beat – to be startled or surprised To have your heart in the right place – to be well intentioned To have your heart set against something – to be against something To have your heart set on something – to want something very much To know in your heart of hearts – to know something as true despite not wanting to believe it To know/learn something off by heart – to know something from memory/to memorise something To lose heart – to give up, to feel discouraged, to lose hope To not have your heart in something – to not really want to do something To pour your heart out – to vent your feelings To take something to heart – to take something seriously (and usually with offence) To tug at someone’s heartstrings – to appeal to someone’s emotions, to make someone feel sad, guilty, and/or sympathetic To wear your heart on your sleeve – to openly express your feelings With a heavy heart – with sorrow and regret

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  • English

  • Beginner