Jun 24, 2022
Hilarious questions by Trainer Kevin Haha
$1,000,000 in your bank account or an IQ of 145+?
A 99% chance to win $100,000 or a 50-50 chance at $10 million?
A life full of ups and downs or a monotonous life?
A live-in massage therapist or a live-in chef?
A pet pig or goat?
A successful career or a happy family life?
Adult mind in a child body or a child mind in an adult body?
Apartment or House
Attend Hogwarts or Ilvermorny?
Be a hammer or a nail?
Be 6 inches taller or $600k richer?
Be a bee or a wasp?
Be a chair or a table?
Be a cyborg or completely human?
Be a dragon or Unicorn?
Be a friend or a lover?
Be a genius or be wealthy?
Be a heartbreaker or the one that always gets your heart broken?
Be a hero or a villain?
Be a ninja or a samurai?
Be a Ruler or be a follower?
Be a Russian or American?
Be a thief or a liar?
Be a vampire or a werewolf?
Be an honest fool or a sweet liar?
Be chased by 10,000 scorpions or 10 lions?
Be chased by Godzilla or King Kong?
Be constipated or have diarrhea?
Be homeless or in jail?
Be in a gunfight or a knife fight?
Depression or Infertility?
Be painfully aware or blissfully ignorant?
Adult mind in a child body or a child mind in an adult body?
Be underpaid or overrated?
Boxer or MMA fighter?
Buy a Ferrari or a Lamborghini?
Eat a dog or eat a rat?
Immortality or infinite money?
6 sons or 6 daughters?
Eat to live or live to eat?
By undefined
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