Feb 23, 2022
Harry Potter & the Sorcerer's Stone
프리빗가 - Privet Drive
애당초 - The outset, beginning, start
번지 - house number, street address
이만 - Only to this extent, by this
신비로운 - mysterious
연루되다 To be an accomplice, be involved
터무니없다- absurd, groundless
임원 - Officers, directors, executives
덩치 - built
무성하다 - thick, dense
금발 - blond hair
울타리 너머로 보다 - look over the fence
염탐하다 - spy, snoop, nose around
유용하다 - useful, misuse, divert
훌륭하다 - great, excellent, outstanding
견디다 - bear, stand, endure, be proof against
아무짝에도 쓸모없다 - good-for-nothing, worthless
더즐리답다 - not like Dursley
그러닝스 - Grunnings
포터 - Potters
더들리 - Dudley