
Mar 4, 2022

Grammar: Verb-으려면


-으려면 Is shortened form of '-으려고 하면'. It has the same meaning as 'if you intend to do something'. It is used when giving or requesting advice about an intended action. It is often used with, -아/어야 하다/되다 -으세요 -이/가 필요하다 -으면 되다

Example: ➡️ 출력하다 -> 출력하려면 A: 출력하려면 어디로 가야 돼? Where should i go if i want to print something out? B: 컴퓨터실로 가면 돼. You can just go to computer room. __________________________________ ➡️ 만나다 -> 만나려면 A: 김 선생님 지금 계세요? Is teacher kim here right now? B: 지금 안 계세요. 김 선생님을 만나려면 2시 이후에 오세요. She is not here now. If you want to meet her please come after 2 o'clock. __________________________________ ➡️ 보다 -> 보려면 A: 주말에 영화를 보고 싶은데요. I want to watch movie on weekend. B: 주말에 영화를 보려면 미리 예매해야 해요. If you want to watch movie on weekend you have to book it in advance.

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