Jul 9, 2022
Grammar/ vocabulary revision class
By 정하늘 (amal)
~에 :per, by, for
에 has different usages. It can be used used to say : per, by
한 달에: per month
사과 한 개: per one apple
Examples (예문) :
★이 사과 한 개 얼마예요?
How much is it for one apple?
★저는 하루에 약을 두 번 먹었어요
I took medecine twice a day
★그 친구를 일주일에 헌 번 만나요
I meet that friend one per week
★여기에 한 달에 세 번 와요
I Come here three times per week
★하루에 2시간동안 운도해요
I work out during 2 hours per day
By 정하늘 (amal)
★검정색/ 까만색/ 검은색: Black
★갈색: Brown
★빨간색: Red
★주황색/ 오렌지색 : Orange
★노란색: Yellow
★금색: Gold
★초록색/녹색 : Green
★파란색: Blue
★하늘색: Sky Blue
★보라색: Purple
★분홍색/ 핑크색 : Pink
★회색: Grey
★은색: Silver
★하얀색/ 흰색 : White
Other Vocabulary:
부드러운색: Soft color
선명한색: Vivid color
어두운색: Dark color
밝은색: Light color
파스텔톤의색 Pastel tone colours
By 정하늘 (amal)
눈빛: a look in one's eyes
별빛: starlight
불빛: light, glow
햇빛: sunlight, sunshine, sunbeam
얼굴빛: complexion
By 정하늘 (amal)
다시, 또
Again, once more
다시 and 또 both means "again" but even though they're basically similar there's a slight difference
For 다시:
You use it when you want to start anew /again something that you have already done either in the same way or differentlt because you found that something is wrong. Or when you used to do something regularly /often and stopped for a few days and recently starts it again
For 또:
You just use it when you do something regularly and repeatedly or when that somthign happens regularly and repeatedly
★Let's talk again soon
~곧 또 이야기하자!
(you're used to talk all the time and you just want to talk again)
~곧 다시 이야기하자!
(You used to talk frome time to time occasionally and want to make sure the other person know you want to talk with him/her again)
★I'll make kimpap again!
~김밥을 다시 만들거야!
(you made of before just once. Or you made it many times but you're not that much satisfied with the result)
~김밥은 또 만들거야
★I will study Korea again
~한국어를 공부를 다시 할거예요
(maybe you had some wrong info in Korean and want to study again to correct it or you studied Korean before and stopped for a long time and then you wanttes to study it again)
~한국어를 공부 또 항 거예요
(you're just used to study Korean and will do it again)
By 정하늘 (amal)
Pronouciation tip#13
의 different pronouciations
[의] as first syllable is pronounced normally
의사: doctor
의자: chair
의각 : the angle
의미: meaning
[에] if it's in the end of a word
한국의 문화: korean culture
아이의 우유: the baby's milk
한국: korea
아이: baby
우유: milk
[이] when with other consonants or in the middle of a word
무늬: pattern
꽃무늬 드레스 있습니다
I have a dress with floral patterns
:희망: hope
동의어: synonym
By 정하늘 (amal)
Vocabulary related to studies :
School's vocabulary (학교의 어휘) :
★School :학교
★Primary school :초등학교
★Middle school:중학교
★High school: 고등학교
★University : 대학교
★Private school (private academy) : 학원
★Teacher: 선생님
★Student : 학생
★College student : 대학생
★Primary schooler:초등학생
★Middle schooler:중학생
★High schooler: 고등학생
★A graduated student : 졸업생
Expressions to use these vocab with (표현) :
★I am a...
저는...... 이에요
★ my younger sister is a...
제 여동생이....... 이에요
★ My younger brother goes to.....
제 남동생이 .... 에 다녀요.
제 남동생이 ...... 에 가요
★the teacher explains well
선생님이 잘 설명해요
★Classroom :교실
★notebook : 공책
★dictionary :서전
★desk: 책상
★chair : 의자
★Homework : 숙제
★Black board: 칠판
★Chalk: 분필
★Pen: 펜
★Pencil: 연필
★Book: 책
★Drawing: 그림
★Pencil case: 필통
Expressions (표현) :
★in the classroom there's...
교실에.... 이/가 있어요
★I have a/an.....
제가...... 이/가 있어요
★on the desk there is....
책상 위에....... 이/가 있는데요
★under the desk there is...
책상 밑에는.... 이/가 있어요
★Test/exam: 시험
★Vacation: 방학
★Study abroad: 유학
★Problem: 문제
Expressions (표현) :
★I'm having an exam tomorrow
내일 시험이 볼 거예요
내일 시험이 있어요
★I succeeded in the exam
제가 시험에 합격했어요
★I failed the exam
제가 시험에 떨어졌어요
★I have a vacation next week
다음 주에는 방학이 있어요
★I have a vacation next month
다음 달에는 방학이 있어요
★Language studies:어학
★Foreign languages:외국어
★Physics :물리학
★Geography :지리
★Biology: 생물학
Expressions (표현) :
★(subject's name) is hard
...... 이/가 어려워요
★(subject name) is easy
.... 이/가 쉬워요
★(subject's name) is interesting /fun
..... 이/가 재미있어요
★I will study (subject's name)
저는 ..... 을/를 공부할 거예요.
★(subject's name) is so boring
..... 이/가 지루해요
★I understood (subject's name) very well
저는 ..... 을/를 잘 이해했어요
★I can't understand (subject's name)
저는 ..... 을/를 못 이해해요
★I need to review (subject's name)
...... 을/를 복습해야 돼요
★배우다: to learn
★공부하다: to study
★가르치다: to teach
★대답하다: to answer
★쓰다: to write/to use
★검색하다/ 찾아보다: to search for/ to look for
★연습하다:to practice
★복습하다:to review/to revise
★듣다: to listen
★읽다: to read
★설명하다: to explain
★이해하다: to understand
★물어보다/ 질문하다/ 물다: to ask
★학교에 다니다: to attend school
★알다: To know
★어렵다 :to be hard/difficult
★쉽다: to be easy
★피곤하다: to be tired
★힘들다: to be hard/to require effort
★재미있다: to be fun, to be interesting
★지루하다:to be boring
★크다:to be big
★작다: to be small
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (문법) :
How to say but with verbs
To say but in Korean you can use :
All these can be used to connect between 2 sentences /2 clauses
★I hate maths but I do really like languages
~저는 수학을 싫어해요. 하지만 언어를 좋아해요.
~저는 수학을 싫어해요. 그란데 언어를 좋아해요
~저는 수학을 싫어해요. 근데 언어를 좋아해요
~저는 수학을 싫어해요. 그렇지만 언어를 좋아해요
~저는 수학을 싫어해요. 그러나 언어를 좋아해요
So how can we use but with verbs?
There are 2 methods
The first one is taking the verb stem and adding 지만 to it
★가르치다: To teach
★소리를 지르다: To scream
소리를 지르지만
★자르다:To cut
Examples (예문) :
★파티에 가고 싶지만 너무 피곤해요
I want to go the party but Im very tired
★시험을 위해 잘 공부하지만 잘 못 봤어요
I studied well for the exam but I didn't pass it well
★아기가 아주 졸리지만 아직 안 잤어요
The baby is so sleepy but he's still not sleeping yet
★저는 차를 사고 싶지만 돈이 없으니까 할 수 없어요
I wanna buy a car but since I don't have money I can't
★저는 그녀를 전화하지만 대답하지 않았어요
I called her but she didn't reply.
The 2nd method is :
Verb +는데
Adjectives (descriptive verbs + (으) ㄴ데
If we have a verb all what we have to do is add 는데 to the verb stem :
★만나다:To meet
★부르다: To call (someone)
★배우다: To learn
★가다: To go
If we have an adjectives (also known as descriptive verb) all what we have to do is add 은데or ㄴ데 to the descriptive verb stem :
~if the descriptive verb stem ends with a vowel:
~if the descriptive verb stem ends with a consonant :
★크다: To be big, huge, vast..
★키가 작다: To be Short
키가 작은데
★배고프다:To be hungry
Examples (예문) :
★ 제 여자친구는 멋있는데 조금 게을러요
My girlfriend is stylish but lazy
★돈을 없는데 시간이 많아요
I don't have money but I have a lot of time
★낮에는 더운데 밤에는 추워요
It is hot in the daytime, but cold at night
★여동생이 귀여운데 짜증스럽기도 해요
My younger sister is cute but she can also be annoying
★한식은 매운데 막았어요
Korean food is spicy but also delicious
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (문법) :
A is good for B
A은/는 B에 좋다
When you want to say A is good for B
And B is an inaminated thing we gonna do it like this
A은/는 B에 좋아요
Examples (예문) :
★lemon juice and honey are good for sore throats
레몬 주스와 벌꿀은 인후염에 좋아요
★vitamin C is good for colds
비타민 C는 감기에 좋아요
★water is good for flowers
물은 꽃에 좋아요
★The sun is good for plans
태양은 식물에 좋아요
★listening is good for learning a language
듣는 것은 언어 배우기에 좋아요
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (문법) :
A is bad for B
A은/는 B에 나쁘다
When you want to say A is bad for B
And B is an inaminated thing we gonna do it like this
A은/는 B에 나빠요
Examples (예문) :
★ Cigarettes are bad for your health
담배는 몸에 나빠요
★ alcohol is bad for one's health
술을 건강에 나빠요
★ Divorce is bad for children's mental health
이혼은 아이들의 정식(적) 건강에 나빠요
★coffee is bad for sleep
커피는 숙면에 나빠요
숙면:deep sleep, sound sleep
잠: sleep
★sleeping late is bad for the health
늦게 자기는 건강에 나빠요
By 정하늘 (amal)
취미에 대해 말합시다
Let's talk about hobbies!
How to ask and answers questions about hobbies:
★What is your hobby? /What are your hobbies?
취미가 뭐예요?
★what do you like to do?
뭘 하는 걸 좋아해요?
★Do you like.... ?
..... 는 걸 좋아해요?
★재미로 뭘 하는 걸 좋아해요?
What do you like to do for fun?
★시간 남을 때 뭐 해요?
What do you do in your free time?
★자유시간 있을 때 뭐하는 걸 좋아해요?
What do you like to do in your free time?
★스포츠를 할 수 있어요?
Can you do any sports?
★V-는 거 좋아해요?
I like...
★V-는 제 취미예요
...... is my hobby
★제 취미는 N-이에요/예요
My hobby is ......
★ N-이에요/예요
취미 Hobbies :
★reading : 독서
★cooking:요리, 요리하는 것
★watching movies: 영화보기
★watching TV : 티비를 보기, 티비 보는 것
★watching dramas :드라마보기
★surfing Internet: 인터넷하기
★language learning: 언어 베우기
★blogging : 블로깅
★spending time with friends : 친구하고 시간을 보내기
★listening to music: 음악듣기, 음막 듣는 것
★singing :노래하기, 노래하는 거
★playing the piano: 피아노 치는 것
★playing the guitar: 기타를 치는 것
★playing the drums: 드럼 치는 것
★playing violin: 바이올린 치는 것
★drawing, painting 그림 그리기, 그림 그리는 것
★pottery :도예 하는것
★calligraphy: 서예 하는 것
★sewing 바느질
★knitting, crochet 뜨개질
★photography : 사진 찍기, 사진을 찍는 것
By 정하늘 (amal)
Vocabulary (어휘):
Vocabulary related to appearance and personality
Vocabulary related to appearance (외모에 관련된 어휘) :
★외모:appearance and look
★to be tall: 키가 크다
★to be short : 키가 작다
★to be pretty :예쁘다
★to be handsome : 잘생기다
★to be cute: 귀엽다
★to be ugly:못생기다
★to be stylish, cool: 멋있다
★to have short hair: 짧은머리가 있다
★to have long hair :긴머리가 있다
★to have shoulder length hair :어께까지 오는 머리가 있다
★to have a pony tail : 묶은 머리가 있다
★to have wavy hair:웨이브 머리가 있다
★to have curly hair: 곱슬머리가 있다
★to have straight hair :곧은 머리/ 생머리가 있다
★to be skinny: 날씬하다
★to be chubby: 통통하다
★To be overweight (fat) : 뚱뚱하다
★to be muscular :근육질이다
Expression to use them with :
★I/someone have ...... Hair
(name) 씨는 / 저는 .... 머리가 있어요
★my mom is (skinny /fat/ chubby)
엄마는 (날씬해요/ 뚱뚱해요/ 통통해요)
★(name) is short
.... 씨는 키가 작아요
★someone is tall
Name님은 키가 커요
Vocabulary related to personality (성격에 관련 어휘)
★lazy person: 게으른, 나태한
★bright/ outgoing person: 밝은
★arrogant : 거만한
★modest: 겸손한
★kind :착한
★competitive :경쟁심이 강한
★greedy: 욕심이 많은
★generous: 관대한, 너그러운
★stupid : 어리석은
★weak minded : 마음이 약한
★timid : 소심한
★open minded:마음이 열린
★polite: 예의바른
★brave :용감한
Expression to use them with :
★Someone is.....
Name님은..... 사람이에요
By 정하늘 (amal)
Vocabulay (어휘) :
과일 어휘 : Fruits vocabulary
★사과 : apple
★바나나: banana
★포도: grapes
★살구: apricot
★자몽: grapefruit
★자두: plumb
★라임: lime
★레몬: lemon
★배: pear
★귤: tangerine
★딸기: strawberry
★수박: watermelon
★산딸기: raspberry
★복송아: peach
★파인애플: pineapple
★석류: pomegranate
★블루베리: Blueberry
Practice time :
★저는 (fruit name) 을/를 먹었어요
I ate (fruit)
★(fruit name) 이/가 너무 맛있어요
(fruit name) is very delicious
★저는 (fruit name) 을/를 아주 좋아해요
I like (fruit name) a lot
★제가 (fruit name) 을/를 제일 좋아해요
I like (fruit name) the most
★제일/가장 좋아하는 과일은 (fruit name ) 이예요/예요
My favorite fruit is (fruit name)
야채 어휘 :Vegetables vocabulay
★마늘: Garlic
★생강: Ginger
★당근: Carrot
★토마토: Tomatoes
★감자: Potatoes
★양배추: Cabbage
★배추: Chinese Cabbage
★시금치: Spinach
★옥수수: Corn
★무: Radish
★껍질콩: Green Beans
★피망: Bell Pepper
★버섯: Mushrooms
★고구마: Sweet Potato
★호박: Pumpkin
★순무: Turnip
★고추: Red Pepper
Practice time (연습) :
★엄마가 (야채) 을/를 좋아해요
My mom like (veggie name)
★제가 (야채) 을/를 싫어해요.
I hate (veggie name)
★어제는 (여채)을/를 먹었어요
Yesterday (we) ate (vegetables name)
★(야채)이/가 맛있어요
(vegetable name)
★저는 (야채)을/를 못 먹어요
I can't eat (veggie name)
견과 어휘: Nuts vocabulay
★아몬드: Almond
★땅콩: Peanut
★호두: Walnut
★밤: Chestnut
★잣: Pine nut
★캐슈넛: Cashew Nut
대화 :Dialogue
A: B씨가장 좋아하는 야채는 뭐예요?
What is your favourite vegetable B?
B: 저는 아스파라거스를 좋아해요. A씨는?
I like Asparagus. And you A?
A: 저는 고추를 좋아HE요. C씨는?
I like Red pepper. And you C?
C: 저는…
I like…
Practice (연습) :
★(00)을/를 좋아해요
I like (00)
★(00)을/를 싫어해요
I hate (00)
★제가 (마늘)을 싫어해요
I hate garlic)
★(00) 알러지가 있어요
I have an allergy to (00)
★(00)을/를 못 먹어요
I can't eat (00)
★(00)은/는 셔요 (시다)
(00) is sour
★(00)은/는 달아요 (달다)
(00) is sweet
★(00)은/는 매워요 (맵다)
(00) is sour
★(00)은/는 써요 (쓰다)
(00) are bitter
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (문법) :
(으) 니까
(으) 니
We just learned how to create the meaning of "because ", "so", "therefore" between two clauses using 그래서 or (동사) 아/어/해서 , (명사) (이)라서
Now we can also use (으) 니까 to create a very similar meaning. The subtle nuances is that (으) 니까 is commonly used when the 1st clause is an excuse as to why the 2nd clause occurs. Sometimes there's a slight feeling that the speaker is annoyed at the cause for something not happening
~으니까 is used when the verb's stem ends with a consonant :
★넣다:To put sth in
★없다: to not have, not exist
~니까 is used when the verb's stem ends with a vowel, or verbs that ends with 하다:
★공부하다:to study
★소문을 내다:To spread a rumor
소문을 내니까
★화가 나다: To get angry
화가 나니까
~With verbs that are conjugated in the past tense 았/었/였 we will add 으니까
!!!! Unlike 아/어/해서, (으)니까 can be conjugated into past tense
★맞다: To be right
★뜨겁다: To be hot (things)
Tip on when to use it!!!
~Use with commands
하세요 : do it
하지 마세요 : don't do it
~Use it with suggestions
할까요 : shall we
할래요: do you wanna...
~ 하는 개 어때요 : how about doing....
~Use it with permissions
해도 돼요 : you can do...
안 ~도 돼요: you can't do...
Examples (예문) :
★비가 오니까 우산을 가지고 가세요
Please take an umbrella because it's raining
★시간이 없으니까 얼른 오세요
We don't have time so please come quickly
★너무 맛있으니까 더 먹고 싶어요
Beacause it's so delicious I want to eat more
★추우니까 따뜻한 옷을 입으세요
It's cold so please wear warm clothes
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (분법) :
Each and every
To say each and every....you will just have to attach 마다 after the noun
With things like 집(house ), 곳(place), when used with 마다 they're
repeated twice
Examples (예문) :
★each person had its own concerns / worries
사람마다 고민이 있는데요
★each day it's different
날마다 달라요
★I go visit my grandparents every year
저는 해.... 조부모님 댁에 가요
★I knocked on the door of each house when I was young
제가 어렸을 때 집집마다 문을 두드렸어요
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (문법) :
Approximately, about, around
약, 쯤, 정도
In English we say "around", "about", "approximately" before the noun
In korean we add 쯤, 정도 after the name
And for 약 we add it before the noun as in English
~With 쯤: we attach 쯤 to the nouns
★한 시:1 o'clock
한 시쯤
★1000 원: 1000 won
1000 원쯤
~With 정도 : we add it after the noun
★1년: one year
1년 정도
★15 분:15 min
15 분 정도
~With 약 : we add it before the noun
★5 시:5 o'clock
약 5 시
★10 킬로미터 : 10 km
약 10 킬로미터
You can also combine 약 and 쯤 OR 약 and 정도:
★오후 5 시:
약 오후 5 시쯤
약 오후 5 시 정도
★1 시간
약 한 시간쯤
약 항 시간 정도
★3 킬로미터 :
약 3 킬로미터쯤
약 3 킬로미터 정도
Examples (예문) :
★about 100 people came
100명쯤 왔어요
100 명 정도 왔어요
★I lived in France for 5 years
프랑스에서 5년쯤 살았어요
약 프랑스에서 5 년 살았어요
★about when are you going to go?
언제쯤 갈 거예요?
언제 정도 갈 거예요?
★around what time shall we meet tomorrow?
내일 몇 시쯤 만날까?
약 내일 몇 시 정도 만날까?
★it's takes around 15 minutes from here
여기서 15 분 정도 걸려요
약 여기에서 15분 걸려요
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (분법) :
~ Only
밖에 ~
N밖에 particle = ‘only’ or ‘nothing but’, nothing except
Usage :
- Express that only 1 thing or option is available, no other things else. = ‘only’ or ‘nothing but’
- Must use in negative form (except for 아니다). It's mosly used with 없다:
★친구밖에:nothing but friends
★밥밖에:nothing except rice
★천 원밖에:nothing but 1000 won
★너밖에: no one but you
Noun + 밖에 (ending in negative form):
1. 안 /지 않다:
사과가 한 개밖에 안 남았어요.
There’s only 1 Apple left.
2. 못/ 지 못하다:
선물을 한 개밖에 못 받았어요.
I can only receive one present.
3. 없어요:
돈이 1000 원밖에 없어요.
I only have 1000 won left.
음식이 조금밖에 없어요.
There’s only a little food left.
4. 몰라요:
한국어는 ‘안녕하세요’랑 ‘감사합니다’밖에 몰라요.
I only know to say ‘hello’ and ‘thank you’ in Korean.
Examples (예문) :
★이 책이 어려워서 세 쪽밖에 못 읽었어요.
This book is difficult, so I can only read 3 pages.
★파티에 20명 초대했어요. 그런데 10명밖에 안 왔어요.
I invited 20 people to the party but only 10 came.
★가:시간이 얼마나남았어요?
나:10분밖에 안 남았어요.
A:How much time is left?
BJust 10 min remaining.
★가:반에 여학생이 많아요?
나:여학생은 1명밖에 없어요.
A:Are there many female students in the class?
B:Only 1 person.
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (문법) :
'only', 'no more than'
(이)나 is used to indicate that the number or the amount of something is mich higher or more than expected, or it is at a level higher than what is generally considered normal. It does corresponds to 'as many as', 'no less than' in English.
Meanwhile the particle 밖에 is used to indicate that a number or an amount is less than expected or doesn't meet a general standard (less than the standard)
Depending on the perspective, a certain quantity can be viewed as either smaller or larger than expected. And thus 밖에 and (이)나 can be used to express such view.
★1 킬로미터 :1 kilometer
1 킬로미터밖에
★사과 1개:1 apples
사과 1개밖에
Examples (예문) :
★I called my friend (only) 5 times
친구에게 다섯 번밖에 전화를 안 했어요
★I ate no more than 2 strawberries
딸기를 두 개밖에 안 먹었어요
★I slept for (only) 5 hours yesterday
어제 다섯 시간이 안 잤어요
★I read (less than) 10 pages for one hour
한 시간 동안 열 페이지밖에 안 읽었어요
★I couldn't walk for more than 1 kilometer
제가 1 킬로미터밖에 못 걸었어요
By 정하늘 (amal)
Grammar (문법) :
'as many as', 'no less than'
(이)나 is used to indicate that the number or the amount of something is mich higher or more than expected, or it is at a level higher than what is generally considered normal. It does corresponds to 'as many as', 'no less than' in English.
~if the name ends with a vowel: 나 is attached to it
★5 킬로미터 :5 kilometers
5 킬로미터나
★사과 5개:5 apples
사과 5개나
~if the name ends with a consonant : 이나 is attached to it
★현재자매 6명: 6 siblings
현재자매 6명이나
★12 시간: 12 hours
12 시간이나
Examples (예문) :
★I called my friend (as many as) 5 times
친구에게 다섯 번이나 전화했어요
★I ate no less than 15 strawberries
딸기를 열다섯 개나 먹었어요
★I slept for (as many as) 12 hours yesterday
어제 열두 시간이 잤어요
★I read no less than 100 pages for one hour
한 시간 동안 백 페이지나 읽었어요
★I walked for no less than 5 kilometers
제가 5 킬로미터나 걸었어요
By 정하늘 (amal)
Useful vocabulary:
문법: grammar
어휘: vocabulary
명사: Noun
동사: Verbs
형명사: adjectives / descriptive verbs
부사: adverb
글자: letter
모음: vowel
자음: consonant
단어: word
동의어: synonym
반대어: antonym
활용: conjugation
By undefined
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