Apr 13, 2022
Grammar -으면서
☝️Restrictions on use☝️
The verb in the following clause reflects the tense.
➡️ 영화 보면서 팝콘을 '먹었어요.'
I ate popcorn while watching movie.
The subject of the preceding clause and the following clause of -으면서 should be the same.
➡️ '한스 씨는' 밥을 먹으면서 (한스 씨는) 신문을 봤어요.
Hans read newspaper while having a meal.
📝NOTE 1📝
Two reported speech clauses are connected as follows:
1. When 'speech + action' are simultaneously happening
카밀라 "약속이 있어요" + 카밀라 씨가 나갔다
➡️ 카밀라 씨가 약속이 있다고 하면서 나갔어요.
Kamila left while saying she had appointment.
2. When 'speech + speech' are simultaneously happening.
동규 "오늘은 시간이 없어요. 내일 만납시다."
➡️ 동규 씨가 오늘은 시간이 없다고 하면서 내일 만나자고 했어요.
Donggyu asked to meet tomorrow while saying he has not time today.
📝NOTE 2📝
Both -으면서 and -는 동안에 are used when connecting two actions which are happening simultaneously. However, when different subjects are performing different actions simultaneously, only -는 동안에 can be used.
➡️ 학생들이 시험 보는 동안에 선생님이 책을 읽어요.
The teacher is reading while the students is having exam.
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