
Mar 4, 2022

Grammar -(으)면 되다


-(으)면 되다 Is used when an action adequately fulfills a condition. '되다' means, in this pattern "to be enough", "okay", or "no problem". ➡️ 114에 전화하면 돼요 If you call 144 it is enough (literal meaning) A: 대사관 전화번호를 알고 싶어요. I want to know embassy's phone number. B: 그래요? 그 전화번호를 알고 싶으면 114에 전화하면 돼요. Is that so? If you want to know you can just call 114. -으면 되다 sounds natural when it is used with 그냥 or -만 ✨그냥 A: 한국어를 잘하려면 어떻게 해야 해요? If i want to be good at Korean what should i do? B: 그냥 텔레비전 드라마를 많이 보면 돼요. You can just watch a lot of drama on tv. ✨-만 A: 이 건물에 들어가려면 어떻게 해야 해요? What should I do if i want to enter this building? B: 출입증만 있으면 돼요. It would be enough to only use(have) a pass.

-으면 되다 is used with verbs, adjectives, '있다/없다' and -이다/아니다. ➡️ 걷다 --> 걸으면 되다 A: 지하철역이 어디에 있어요? Where is the subway station? B: 여기에서 멀지 않아요. 5분만 걸으면 돼요. It's not far from here. You can just walk for only 5 minutes. ➡️ 따라하다 -> 따라하면 되다 A: 노래를 잘하고 싶어요. I want to be good at singing. B: 간단해요. 좋아하는 노래 CD를 자주 듣고 따라하면 돼요. It is simple. You can just listen to your favourite CD often and sing along.

📝NOTE📝 A: 공부를 잘하려면 어떻게 해야 해요? What should I do if i want to be good in studying? -으면 되다 is used when a speaker express what he/she thinks is basic or regards as easy. ➡️ B: 책을 많이 읽으면 돼요. (The person who said this think that reading book is an easy task to do) On the other hand, -세요, -아/어야 해요 is used to express a strong order. ➡️ B: 책을 많이 읽으세요. (Command) ➡️ B: 책을 많이 읽어야 해요. (Strong order)

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