
Mar 23, 2022

Future Continuous Tense

FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE ❓Definition: 1. Future = a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing 2. Continuous = not affected by disconnection or interruption," (French) "joining, connecting with something; following one after another,"(Latin) - Etymology (study of words) 3. Tense = Time ♧FCT indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for an expected length of time. 👷‍♂️Formation: Subject+ will be + present participle (+ing for all verbs) Subject + am/is/are + going to be + present participle (+ing for all verbs) 🧵🧶Use 1.Project ourselves in some future time Yes, next week by this time, we will be boarding the flight. 2. Predict future events We will be reaching the venue by late night, the same day. 3. Talk about simultaneous events expected to happen in future While you will be presenting your work at the conference, I will be struggling with my project, due for completion in the next month. 4. Talk about events that already happened and expecting that they continue to happen in future also.  I will still be struggling with my project, due for completion in the next month. ➕Positive sentences •Don’t call her at 8. She will be flying to Denver then. •I will probably be running when you come home. •Try to be quiet when you come home tonight. Everyone will be sleeping. •I’m going to be studying all next week. •We will be traveling for most of 2022. ➖Negative ☆Insert "not after the first helping verb "be or will" •I will not be eating out tonight. •She will not be running. •We are not going to be reading Nabokov. •I am not going to be sleeping when you get home. ❓Questions ☆Move the helping verb be/will •Will you be eating out tonight? •When will you be arriving in Philadelphia? •Are you going to be sleeping when I get home? •What are you going to be reading next semester?

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