
May 10, 2022

F E A R , F A I L U R E , F R U S T R A T I O N S


FEAR "doesn't shut you Down; it wakes you UP!" FRUSTRATION “To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.” FAILURE "is not the opposite of Success, It's the part of Success"

F E A R: (1) What is your biggest fear for yourself? (2) What is your biggest fear for the world? (3) Why do we feel fear? (4) How often do you feel afraid? (5) Why do people have different fears? (6) How do you react to fear? (7) How would you help someone to get over their fear? (8) Have you ever panicked with fear? (9) What happens to you physically and emotionally when fear takes hold of you / overcomes you? (10) How often do you jump or start when something frightens you?

F R U S T R A T I O N: 1. What is FRUSTRATION? 2. What causes FRUSTRATION? 3. How do you recognize FRUSTRATION in your life? 4. Have you been under FRUSTRATION recently? 5. How does stress FRUSTRATION you? 6. When you are FRUSTRATED, how do you feel physically and emotionally? • Do you feel tired during the day? • Can you sleep well at night? • Does your stomach hurt? • Do you get angry easily?

F A I L U R E: 1. How do you handle failure? 2. What are some of mankinds modern failures? 3. Do you try to focus more on failures or successes? 4. Do you think failure is sometimes inevitable? When? 5. What have you learned from past failures? 6. Do you remember your failures or do you try to forget them? 7. Do you know any people that fail a lot?

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  • English

  • Beginner