
Apr 17, 2022

English Idioms (1)

Apple of his eye

Low hanging fruit

Life is a bowl of cherries 

Cool as a cucumber

Buy a lemon

Compare apples and oranges 

Forbidden fruit

Like two peas in a pod

Top banana

Rotten to the core

That second-hand car I bought was a real lemon. It broke down a week after I bought it.'

As busy as popcorn on a skillet

Have a sweet tooth 


As sweet as honey

Like taking candy from a baby 

Your finger is in every pie

Go bananas

This is not my cup of tea

Bring home the bacon

Teaching is my bread and butter.'

As easy as pie

Piece of cake


Hard nut to crack

As nutty as a fruitcake

For peanuts

Bite off more than you can chew

Bite the hand that feeds you

Spill the beans

Bitter pill to swallow

Have a lot on one's plate

Melt in one's mouth

On a silver platter 

Eat like a bird

Eat like a horse

Couch potato

Have bigger fish to fry 

Not my cup of tea 

Half a loaf is better than none

By undefined

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  • English

  • Beginner