
Apr 7, 2022

English Conversation Topics


📌Feelings How are you feeling right now? How do you feel when someone hurts your feelings? Why? How do you feel when someone makes you happy? Why? Why is it important to think about other people’s feelings?

📌Goals What is a goal that you have? How do you plan to reach this goal? Do you need help achieving your goal? Do you think it’s important to set goals? Why?

📌Routines Do you have certain routines that you follow, if so, what are they? Do you have friends or family that follow similar routines? What do you like about your routine? How would you feel if something in your daily routine was changed?

📌Fears What is your biggest fear and why? How does having this fear make you feel? Do you know people that share the same fear? How can you work through your fears?

📌Family How many siblings do you have? What are their names and how old are they? Where are your parents originally from? Who are your extended family members? (cousins, aunts, uncles etc.)

📌Hobbies What hobbies do you like to do? What do you like about the hobbies you do? Is there anybody in your family you share a hobby with? When did you start practicing your hobby and how long do you spend practicing?

📌Hometown Where is your hometown? Do you live in a city or rural area? Do you like living in your hometown? Why? How do people get around in your hometown?

📌Jobs What do you want to be when you grow up and why? Do a lot of people do this job in your country? What type of jobs do people in your country have? Do you think everyone should work? Why?

📌Household Items What household item do you use the most and why? How does it work? How often do you use your household items? Why are household items useful?

📌Food What is your favourite food and why? What is your least favourite food and why? What is a typical food from your home country? What is a food you would love to try?

📌Animals Do you have any pets, if so, what are they? What is your favourite animal and why? What does this animal look like and what does it like to eat? Are animals well looked after where you are from? Why?

📌Holidays What is your favourite holiday and why? What is your least favoruite holiday and why? How do you spend most of your holidays? Do you do anything special with your family on holidays, if so what?

📌Culture Which culture do you belong too? How do people greet each other? What type of customs and traditions do you practice? Are you interested in learning about other cultures? Why?

📌Exercise Do you usually exercise, if so, how often? What activities do you do while exercising? Do people in your country do a lot of exercising? What can happen if people do not exercise?

📌Clothing What do you like to wear? Where do you buy your clothing and what colors do you choose? What type of clothes do you not like wearing? What type of clothing do your friends wear?

📌Cleanliness Why is cleanliness important? How often do you think one should clean? What types of things should be cleaned? How clean do you think this room is?

📌Books What is your favourite book and why? What is your least favourite book and why? Is there a library in your hometown? What information can you learn from reading books?

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