
Feb 24, 2022

Do, Does and Did

Objective * how to use the words ‘Do-Does and Did’ correctly * the correct usage of these words in questions - Do, Does and Did are all forms of the verb 'to do'.

DOES - Used when you are talking about singular, third person – he, she, it e.g. She does her exercises every morning. It does work. DO - In all other cases you would use ‘do’ i.e. when you are talking about ‘I, you, we, they, these, those or any plurals. e.g. in sentence I do a lot of work these days. You do volunteer work on Sundays. They do nothing at all. We do our laundry on weekends. Sarah and Jane do not like cats. (because Sarah and Jane are ‘they’) The negative forms - The negative forms of do and does are fairly simple – do not (which becomes don’t) and does not (which contracts to doesn’t) when we speak. - If you are writing a formal assignment or paper, we use the full forms – do not and does not. DID - used when we are talking in past tense. - both do and does become did in the past tense. e.g. in sentence I did my assignment last night He did his homework on time The girls did ballet at school (plural) The car did not get cleaned yesterday (negative) - The negative of did is did not, which shortens to didn’t when we speak.

HELPING VERB ‘Do’ is a general verb, it does not have any specific action associated with it. So it sometimes can be used in a few other ways too. i.e. In forming Questions and negative statements. examples 1. You study. (Present Tense) (Q) Do you study? (Neg) You do not study. 2. He walks. (Q) Does he walk? (Neg) He does not walk. Notice what happens to the verbs walk and study – these remain in their base form, in simple present – walk. 3. She loves dogs. (Q) Does she love dogs? (Neg) She does not love dogs.

Let’s practice making questions together: 1. They speak English. 2. She lives in France. 3. The earth goes around the sun. 4. The doll has black hair. 5. We like reading.

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