Apr 5, 2022
A girl sat alone in a Coffee House. She looked familiar so I walked up to her.
BOY: "I think I have seen you somewhere. Your face looks familiar."
GIRL: "Is that what you say to all the pretty girls you approach?"
BOY (with a serious face): "Oh no, you have that disorder."
GIRL (now interested): "What disorder do I have?"
BOY: "The 'misinterpreting others and overestimating yourself' disorder."
GIRL (suppressing a smile): " That was not funny."
BOY (smiling): "Sorry. Your chuckle suggested otherwise."
I sat down in front of her and ordered a coffee.
GIRL: "So, you have a girlfriend?"
BOY: "Yes. She is perfect."
GIRL: "Recent?"
BOY: "No."
GIRL: "Imaginary?"
BOY: "Yes."
GIRL (casually): "Thought so."
We both burst out laughing.
BOY (after composing myself): "How the hell did you guess that?"
GIRL (smiling): "Come on. You cracked a joke on me in the first five seconds of the conversation. I hardly expect you to call your long term girlfriend 'perfect' instantaneously."
BOY: "Nicely done Miss Holmes. Nicely done."
GIRL: "Elementary, my dear Watson."
We smiled at each other and sipped our coffee.
BOY: "So, you want some snakes with your coffee?"
GIRL: "Such an amazing use of puns. Outstanding."
BOY: "Could you be any more sarcastic ?"
GIRL: "After experiencing that amazing Chandler Bing impersonation, never."
BOY (gloomily): "So you can be more sarcastic."
She laughed and placed her hand over mine as consolation.
BOY: "Have I done enough to secure another trust with you?"
GIRL: "Umm...Well, it wouldn't hurt to meet you one more time."
BOY: "Such humility in display. "
She gave a cute little laugh. We paid our respective bills and left the Coffee House.
Now outside;
GIRL: "Can you explain to me one more time as to why we do this stranger-first date-stuff even though we are in a relationship?"
BOY (smiling): "Hey, we never know when our relationship might come to an end. We need to keep our dating skills in tune for the unpredictable future."
GIRL (smacking my shoulder): "You fucking moron. I hate you."
BOY (pulling her closer): "Haha 'Fucking Moron', that was eloquent. No, if you remember I promised you that no matter what I would keep our relationship interesting. This is one of my many plans to do that."
She gave me a loving smile and clasped my hand a little tighter as we walked back home.
She was just passing through the corridor when something struck her. She turned towards me and scanned from top to bottom with those sparkly eyes.
GIRL: It’s third time this week that I noticed you standing outside the class in punishment position.
BOY: I didn’t know someone was keeping a count.
GIRL: No, it’s just that every time I look towards my crush, you are there standing outside the class.
BOY: Yeah, doing homework is not my forte. So who is this lucky guy we are talking about?
GIRL (blushing): It’s your class monitor. But he doesn't even notice me.
BOY: Well, that may be your problem. You sure, you're sending strong enough signals?
GIRL: I-I've tried.
BOY: The thing is guys are pretty dumb. Sometimes you have to put something shiny in the window to get them in the store. You got to do something for him, like a favour.
GIRL: Hmm... You better be right about that.
BOY: Just give me a little bit and I will make this guy your bitch.
GIRL (retaliating immediately): I don’t want a bitch. Aakash will never be a bitch. He is a well-rounded boy capable of mature emotions and deep abiding love, things which you know not of.
BOY: May be not, but I do know about lust, seduction and manipulation. Things that you know not of.
All of a sudden the classroom door swung open and the teacher came out. I couldn’t judge from her expression whether she had heard what I just said or not.
Teacher(on seeing her): Who are you? His girlfriend?
Before she could respond the teacher said again, ‘I'm not a religious woman but every now and then, a child comes along who makes me believe in the existence of Satan.’
And she went away after giving me a glance.
BOY (thinking last nail had been put in my coffin): By the way if you are still confused, she was talking about me.
GIRL (extending her arms towards me): Don’t worry, I’m an atheist. (she said with a wide smile)
Little did I know that it was just the beginning of a lifelong friendship.
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