Apr 14, 2022
Current Words and Expressions
To throw shade - to 'throw shade' simply means you've said something shady to someone.
Ghosting is cutting off contact with someone without giving that person any warning or explanation for doing so.
Greatest Of All Time. Especially for sportspersons.
How to use it: “Did you see Simon Biles? She really is the GOAT!”
Celebrating something desirable, such as a relationship or a person’s success.
How to use it: “Beyonce and Jay-Z are such couple goals.”
"Low key”
How to use it: “I am low key obsessed with eating fries with milkshake.”
If something triggers someone, it causes them to have an extreme reaction of fear, upset, or anger, especially because they remember a traumatic experience
To do a lot of something in a very short time
aware, especially of social problems such as racism and inequality
For example: She urged young black people to stay woke.
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