
Apr 30, 2022

✈️✈️✈️ Conversational English


DIALOGUE #1: One: "Hi Mary." Two: "Oh, hi." One: "How are you doing?" Two: "I'm doing alright. How about you?" One: "Not too bad. The weather is great isn't it?" Two: "Yes. It's absolutely beautiful today." One: "I wish it was like this more frequently." Two: "Me too." One: "So where are you going now?" Two: "I'm going to meet a friend of mine at the department store." One: "Going to do a little shopping?" Two: "Yeah, I have to buy some presents for my parents." One: "What's the occasion?" Two: "It's their anniversary." One: "That's great. Well, you better get going. You don't want to be late." Two: "I'll see you next time." One: "Sure. Bye."

DIALOGUE #2: Fiona: Tell me the truth. What’s up with you lately? Doug: Me? Nothing. Why do you ask? Fiona: You haven’t been yourself. You’ve been quiet and distant. Are you seeing someone else? Doug: No! Of course, I’m not. I would never cheat on you. Fiona: Then, do you want to break up with me? Doug: No way! That’s the last thing I want to do. You’ve got it all wrong. Fiona: Then, tell me what’s on your mind. Doug: I…well…it’s just that…oh, I can’t stand it anymore! I’ve been carrying around this ring in my pocket for two weeks trying to get up the nerve to ask you. Fiona, will you marry me? Fiona: Ohhhh, my! I can’t believe it. Are you serious? Doug: I’ve never been more serious. This wasn’t the way I wanted to ask you, but will you? Fiona: Yes, I’ll marry you. And, I thought you wanted to break up. Doug: No, I don’t, silly. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives. Don’t you know that?

IF THERE IS STILL TIME: DIALOGUE #3: A: "Hey Paul. What are you doing here?" B: "How's it going? I'm meeting up with a friend here." A: "How have you been, man?" B: "Not too bad. I'm still in school and having a little fun." A: "How are you enjoying Mr. Lee's history class?" B: "It's so boring." A: "Tell me about it. If it wasn't a requirement, I wouldn't have taken it." B: "How about you? What have you been up to?" A: "I finished school last spring. I'm searching for a job now, but I'm slacking off." B: "I heard the job market is not that hot right now." A: "I could always take a low-end job, but I'm not that desperate yet." B: "Well, good luck to you." A: "Thanks. It was good seeing you again." B: "Yeah. I'll catch you later." A: "Have a good night."

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  • English

  • Beginner