
Mar 4, 2022

Conversational English


My Friend Bella: My friend Rich is coming to town next week. Have you ever met him? Stacey: No, I haven't. Bella: He's kind of crazy, but a great guy. Stacey: Yeah, why do you say so? What's he like? Bella: He's really hard working, but very much a loner. He's pretty talented and can do just about anything. Stacey: Sounds interesting. Is he married? Bella: No, he isn't. Stacey: What does he look like? Maybe my friend Alice would be interested in meeting him. Bella: He's tall, slim and quite good looking. I'm sure your friend would find him attractive. What's she like? Stacey: She's outgoing and very athletic. Bella: Really? What sports does she like playing? Stacey: She's a great tennis player and also goes cycling a lot. Bella: What does she look like? Stacey: She's kind of exotic looking. She's got long dark hair and piercing black eyes. People think she is rather beautiful. Bella: Do you think she would like to meet Rich? Stacey: Sure! Why don't we introduce them? Bella: Great idea!

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