Apr 9, 2022
❌ Bullying ❌
❌Social Bullying: Sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships.
❌Physical Bullying: Involves hurting a person’s body or possessions.
❌Verbal Bullying: Saying or writing mean things.
Discussion: SET A
(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘bullying’?
(2) What different types of bullying are there?
(3) Was bullying a big problem at your school?(Community)
(4) Is it worse for children or adults to get bullied?
(5) Why do people bully each other?
(6) Do you think bullying should be made a crime or is it part of growing up?
(7) Is cyber-bullying (online bullying) worse than face-to-face bullying?
(8) What experiences of bullying do you have?
(9) How bad is bullying in your country?
(10) What kind of person is a bully?
Discussion: SET B
(1) Do bullies need help? What kind?
(2) What can people who are bullied do to stop the bullying?
(3) If bullying involves violence, should someone call the police?
(4) What damage does bullying do to people?
(5) Should someone who is bullied make the name of the bully public – put it on the Internet?
(6) Is it always best to stand up to a bully?
(7) Do you think bullying will disappear one day, or is it getting worse?
(8) What message do you have for bullies?
(9) What advice would you give to someone who is bullied (a) online and (b) physically or emotionally?
(10) Are there similarities between bullying and torture?
📌 What excuses do offenders make for bullying someone?
📌 What are personality factors that contribute to bullying?
📌 Does bullying differ based on gender?
📌 What are the various types of bullying?
📌 Which strategies and resources are used to deal with bullying?
📌 Can bullying lead to school shootings?
📌Can bullying have a lasting effect?
📌 Do bullies outgrow their behavior?
📌 Is bullying a problem in the workplace?
📌 How can cyber bullying be prevented?
📌 How are schools legally liable, if they fail to protect students from bullying?
📌 What are the legal consequences of bullying?
📌 When does bullying become a hate crime?
👄🗣️🦷Anti Bullying Slogans To Help End The Pain❌
✅A bully will not win in the end.
✅A bully won’t stop until his mindset is dropped.
✅A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
✅A sign of weakness is being mean.
✅Anyone can be a bull, it’s nothing special.
✅B.A.D (Bullies Are Dumb)
✅Bad online bullies can cause
✅BAD offline results.
✅Be a true buddy, not a false bully.
✅Be kind, words don’t rewind.
✅Be proud, no bullies allowed.
✅Be unique, hit delete, and smile.
✅Bigger, Badder, but a Sadder person.
✅Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine brighter.
✅Bullies are a bad thing, and a SAD thing.
✅Bullies are despicable.
✅Bullies are hurting inside.
✅Bullies are thugs that need hugs.
✅Bullies don’t have REAL friends.
✅Bullies have PREY and PRAY mixed up.
✅Bullies need a big hug.
✅Bullies simply tear down.
✅Friends simply build up.
✅Bullies, don’t ignore them.
✅Bulls are afraid of the power YOU have.
✅Bully free starts with me.
✅Bullying breaks hearts.
✅Bullying is a cycle that has to end FAST.
✅Bullying is bad… Don’t make others feel sad.
✅Bullying is for losers.
✅Bullying on Facebook can end with a Case book.
✅Bullying stops here!
✅Bullying… Enough already!
✅Cyber bullies are lonely predators.
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