
Apr 26, 2023


7 Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read Every Day!!👉

When was the last time you used Instagram? Umm..a few seconds ago, right? When was the last time you read a book? No, Don’t pressurize your mind as it’s been too long for you to even remember when you picked up a book. Honestly, it’s not your fault. Everyone asks you to read without telling you the benefits of reading. So, without any delay, let’s discuss 7 scientific reasons to read daily👉

1. Mental Stimulation: Reading keeps your brain active and engaged which helps in preventing your brain to lose power. Studies suggest reading keeps your memory and thinking skills intact which in turn staves off the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and Dementia disease away from you.

2. Stress Reduction: In our day-to-day life, we face challenges and competition that fills us with stress, and anxiety. According to the study at the University of Sussex, Reading not only reduces stress by up to 68% but also relaxes your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles. When you read a good book, you engage yourself in the story and forgets the worldly tensions.

3. Knowledge: “The more you learn, the more you earn”. Whenever you read, you fill the jar of knowledge with new information. In order to overflow your jar of knowledge, you must read informative articles and non-fiction books that contain the life lessons of successful people. The more you know, the more challenges you can tackle, the more problems you solve, the more you get paid.

4. Vocabulary Expansion: Whenever you read, you come across hundreds of new words. When you read new words, it is obvious you’ll try to find the meaning of them. This helps in building your vocabulary and you would not lack appropriate words while speaking. Right words in the right place make you win the hearts and race.

5. Memory Improvement: When you read, you have to remember a bunch of characters, their backgrounds, current profession, and condition. Surprisingly, every new memory strengthens existing ones. Your brain functions in a strange way. When you read, your brain takes part in the marathon. The more you read, the more your brain runs.

6. Improved Focus and Concentration: While doing work, we often think of something else, like relationship issues, family problems, etc. The lack of concentration can never help you to deliver exceptional work. But reading can help you to improve your focus and concentration power. When you read, your mind indulges in the story and everything else falls apart.

7. Stronger Analytical Thinking Skills: Mystery novels create wonders. WIth suspense and exciting plots, it arrests the attention of your mind and all you want to do is solving the mystery. This mystery-solving game is more like an exercise for your brain to make it stronger. While solving the mystery, you put critical and analytical thinking to work. And, Bingo! Gradually your brain becomes strong and your analytical skills improve.

Conclusion: “A person who won’t read has no advantage over the person who can’t read” All successful people have one thing in common, the habit of reading every day. They know that they don’t know enough. Hence, they read daily. You’re going to be one of those successful, right? So, adopt the habit of reading and get an advantage over your competitors. The benefits of reading are not only limited to these 7 but there is an infinity of benefits to reading every day.

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