Mar 14, 2022
book- Idiom
1. go Dutch, to (5) to share the cost, to pay one's own
2. jack of all trades, a (5) a person who can do many things
3. keep up with the Joneses, to (5) to want the same nice things
4. a girl Friday a women secretary or clerk who works for a man.
5 go bananas, to (2) to go crazy
6. man/woman of means, a (5) a rich person
7. smart aleck, a (5) someone who acts as if he or she knows
8. real McCoy, the (5) a true example of something
9. wise guy, a (5) someone who acts as if he or she knows
9. run in the family, to (5) to be characterized by something
10. Tom, Dick, or Harry (5) nobody special, just any person