
Feb 18, 2022

~기 때문에


N/A/V-기 때문에 grammar means= because (of), since which express a reason or cause of a situation. ~기 때문에’ can be used with the past tense ‘-았/었/했-.’ But you cannot use ‘기 때문에’ with ‘-겠-‘ (which is the future/speculation expression) ~기 때문에 is mainly used in writing or in formal situations. The meaning of 아서/어서/여서 and ~기 때문에 is similar. 아서/어서/여서 is equivalent to so and 기 때문에 is equivalent to because (of) in English. But, ~기 때문에 has stronger feeling/ sense than 아서/어서/여서. ~기 때문에 cannot be used in imperative (when you are telling someone to do something, and they don’t have a choice.) or propositive sentences (when you are suggesting someone to do something, but they can choose whether they do it or not.) 규칙 (RULES) : N+때문에: 아이 때문에 (because of the baby) 눈 때문에 (because of the snow) N+이기 때문에: 아이이기 때문에 (because he/she is a baby) 학생이기 때문에 (because I am a student) A/V+ 기 때문에: 좋기 때문에 (because ... is good) 한가하기 때문에 (because I am spare...) 운전하기 때문에 (because of driving...)

Adjective+기 때문에 행복하다 → 기쁘다 (to be glad) → 화나다 → 슬프다 → 아프다 → 행복하다→ Verb+ 기 때문에 공부하다 → 밥 먹다→ 노래 부르다 → 춤추다 → PAST TENSE 했다 → 했기 때문에 = Because I did 갔다 → 갔기 때문에 = Because I went 예뻤다 → 예뻤기 때문에 = Because it was pretty 빨랐다 → 빨랐기 때문에 = Because it was fast

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