Jun 26, 2023
Atomic Habit
Sophomore (noun): Second-year college or high school
Shattered (adj): Broken into many pieces
Eye socket (noun phr): bones orbit the eye ball
Loop (noun): curve, bend, u shape
Upright (adj): sit/stand with the back straight
Stall (verb): stop
Seizure (noun): sudden attack of illness
Mercifully: Luckily
Rebounded: bounce back, go back
Consciousness: state of being awake or not awake
Bulged: swell/swollen
Precariously: almost fall
Ophthalmologist: eye care specialist
Varsity: official college/high school team
Lackluster: dull, uninspiring
Roster: list
Anytime soon: In the near future
Ripple: Small wave on the surface of a liquid
Six-foot-four-inch frame: showing the writer's height; 193.04 cm
Bulked up: gain weight
Lean: showing move curve in graph
Featherweight: light/low weight (intermediate weight in sport)
All-conference team: student-athletes are chosen as the top athletes in their team sport by the opposing coaches.
Opposing coach: Coach from other team
Honor: respected title
Front and center: easily found/important
Operant conditioning: a method of learning that uses rewards and punishment to modify behavior.
Draw on: Resources used
Compelling: mesmerizing, highly attractive
Cue: hint, signal
Integrated: linked, coordinated
Endure: suffer
Mediocrity: the quality or state of being ordinary
Fare (verb): perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period of time.
Underwhelming: fail to impress or make a positive impact on (someone); disappoint
Gear: equipment
Trajectory: track/path
Relentless: persistent, constant
Aggregation: accumulation
electrically heated overshorts: heated sports attire
More aerodynamic: easier to move through the air
Overlooked: ignore, fail to notice
Tuned bike: making minor adjustments or changes to optimize your bike's overall performance.
Raise the bar: To raise standards or expectations, especially by creating something to a higher standard
Modest: limited, small, moderate
At best: under the most favorable circumstances, far from ideal
In the long run: over or after a long period of time; eventually.
Astounding: surprisingly impressive or notable.
Compound interest: snowball effect
Compound interest is the interest you earn on interest. This can be illustrated by using basic math: if you have $100 and it earns 5% interest each year, you'll have $105 at the end of the first year. At the end of the second year, you'll have $110.25.
Lagging measure: Lagging indicator. An indicator when you see the past.
Clutter: Mess, chaos
Magnifies: enlarge
Feat: Accomploshment
Plateau: a state of little or no change following a period of activity or progress.
Fashion: way, habit
Quest: search for something
Entrench: establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.
Uprooting: pull (something, especially a tree or plant) out of the ground.
Delicate: soft
Prevailing Wisdom Claims: generally accepted concept, widespread
One day at a time: to deal with each day's problems as they come instead of worrying about the future
Overlook: ignore
Persumably: perhaps
By undefined
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