
Jun 1, 2022

American Slang

Ditch (verb) To leave a place or person unexpectedly, or to not show up to prior plans. Example: “I had to ditch study group because my dad called.”

YOLO (abbreviation) A not very serious motivational phrase, short for “you only live once.” Pronounced “yo-low.” Example: “I know I shouldn’t eat that whole pizza by myself but YOLO.”

Third wheel (phrase) Someone who is not needed or wanted in a situation, typically with a romantic couple. Example: “Why is your friend on this date with us? He’s kind of a third wheel.”

Zone out (verb) To get distracted and not pay attention to what is happening around you. Example: “I zoned out during the TV show and missed how it ended.”

Root for (verb) To cheer for or support something or someone, such as a sports team. Example: “I can’t go to the football game this Saturday, but I’ll be rooting for them anyway.”

Keep your cool (phrase) Staying calm in a stressful situation. Example: “I know you’re worried about the test, but you’ll do better work if you keep your cool.”

I can’t even (phrase) Expression of being overwhelmed with something, usually in a somewhat joking and positive manner. Short for “I can’t even handle…” or “I can’t even deal…”. Example: “I can’t even with these French fries. So good!”

Hit the books (verb) To study. Can also mean to do homework (or assignments meant to be done outside of class). Example: “The big test is coming up. Time to hit the books.”

Hang out (verb) Spend time or do something with friends. Example: “I’m going to hang out with my best friend this weekend.”

For real (phrase) To agree with someone, emphasize a statement, or ask if someone is serious. Example: “This is my favorite class so far!” “For real?”

Dude (noun) A casual greeting used instead of first names. Example: “Hey dude, how’s it going?”

Chill or chill out (verb) Relax, calm down, or be easygoing. Example: “We’re done with exams, so let’s just chill tonight.”

What Is Slang? Slang words are specific words or phrases that have a cultural definition that is different from the literal definition. For example, when you “keep your cool,” you are not talking about the temperature. You are saying that you will stay calm under pressure.

Bro (noun) Short for “brother,” “bro” is used instead of first names among friends, typically men. Example: “What’s up, bro?”

Basic (adjective) An insult that means something or someone is boring or uncool. Example: “Let’s get out of here. This party is basic.”

Woke Adjective - Socially, culturally aware. Example: “After his research on Poetry course, he became woke to different points of view.”

Shook Adjective - Stunned, shocked. Example: “That Oscar slap has me shook.”

Rent-free Adverb - To become an obsession, to dominate someone’s thoughts. Example: “Since I saw Oprah is living rent-free inside my head.”

Extra Adjective - Dramatic, attention-grabbing, too much. Example: “You don’t have to be so extra about it!”

Drip Adjective - Stylish, sophisticated clothes or appearance. Example: “Li’s shoes and belt are dripping today.”

Boujee Adjective - Rich, luxurious, special, fancy. Example: “She’s so boujee with that Louis Vuitton bag.”

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