
Aug 7, 2022

American Accent series pt- 1.

American Accent Part I (Informal contractions continued) A lot + of --> a lotta Has + to --> hasta Ought + to --> oughta Supposed + to --> supposeta Tell + them --> tell'em Sort + of --> sorta Cup + of --> cuppa

1. Interview 2. Dentist 3. International 4. Twenty 5. Intellectual 6. Quantity 7. Accountable 8. Advantages 9. Center 10. Plenty

American Accent Part IV ("t" before /n/) 1. Certain 2. Gotten 3. Mountain 4. Lighten 5. Cotton 6. Britain 7. Eaten 8. Written 9. Forgotten 10. Frighten

American Accent - Flap T sound (vowel ending with t + vowel) 1. It is 2. Get up 3. Try it on 4. Eat out 5. At eleven 6. Wait a minute 7. Put it off

American Accent (the True T sound) True T at the beginning of a word: Time, Toddler, Turn etc. True T at the beginning of a stressed syllable: aTTack, aTTain, unTil etc.

By undefined

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