Apr 3, 2022
All about Food
20. Describe a time when you ate something interesting, weird or special for the first time?
- What; Where; When is it
- Explain how you felt
1. What is you favorite food? What kind of foods do you eat often?
2. What is your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner?
9. Can you cook for yourself? or do you often eat out?
3. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?
4. What is the most popular food in your country?
5. Do you generally eat a healthy diet? What does healthy diet mean for you?
7. What do you do to keep fit?
6. Fast food. Slow food. What is your opinion?
10. When travelling, do you try to find local food or local delicacies?
11. Is obesity a problem in your country? Are healthy food accessible to everyone?
8. What do you think the "Western diet" is like?
12. Do you notice a difference in your eating patterns when you have distractions? (i.e. watching tv or looking at your phone)
13. Do you over-eat or eat under when you're bored or stressed?
14. Have you ever cut a certain food out of your diet? Have you tried fasting for medical or religious reasons?
15. If you had to live on just one food or one type of food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
16. What are your comfort foods? What foods bring you the most joy?
17. Have you ever grown your own food?
18. What would you choose for your last meal? :)
21. What food or delicacy would you like to try in the future? What is the food you want others to try in your country?
19. When is the last time you went on a picnic? What food did you bring or prepare?