Dec 13, 2022
Heartbreaking Letters 💔
#Thank You For Letting Me Go.
Dear You,
It’s been two years and four months to be exact, since that day when we broke up. There were things I wanted to say and kept it unsaid because I’m afraid I’ll end up crying in front of you.
Thank you, is just a repeated phrase I’ve been telling you since the day we met. Thank you for giving me the chance to love you; for all those boring and simple dates we had; for introducing me into your family; for the respect, love, care, understanding and trust, and for the relationship we had.
Sorry, and I mean it after all this time. Sorry for those times when I disappointed you.
I hate you, really. For hurting me. For making me feel like I was a mistake for you; I hate you for being so rude to me.
But above all of this, I want to say thank you for letting me go. Because for a very long time, someone came into my life and loved me, and guess what? We are getting married soon.
I hope you’re doing great now. Keep moving! May all the desires of yours be granted.
Love, Me.
Hey you,
How are you? It has been months since I’ve written you a letter of some sort. Let it be known here that I have moved on. The funny thing is it just really happens. You wake up one day and you no longer feel it. What ifs no longer matter and the desire to look at your Facebook profile seem to just falter. Took me long enough!
I wrote you this to finally say good bye. I never really got the chance to say it because during that time because I couldn’t bear the idea of us breaking up. It was hard for me to accept the fact that you left me without a warning. It took me weeks of crying at empty parks and bottles of beer to finally realize the truth: I was consumed with the idea of love that it emptied me. I do not wish for you to go through the same misery as I have because I know you are not strong enough for this. I will not thank you because you do not deserve any. I wish you well!
(Your name)
#I Miss You.
Hey babe,
It’s been awhile since I’ve thought about you. But no matter how I try to deny this, I know in my heart that this is not the truth. I miss you. Every fiber of my being. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of night and the urge to call you is so strong that I confide in a bottle of wine my mom keeps for formal occasions. It doesn’t hurt that much anymore. Unlike before, when the cuts on my thighs were fresh; self inflicted pain to forget about my inner wound. For months after the separation, this has been my life. The cuts are all healed now and I haven’t reached nor touched a blade for almost a year now. As much as I hate it, I made an unlikely friendship with that blade.
But I am healed now.
I go out with our friends, eat to my heart’s content and travel. Healing came to me adventure after adventure. And I can say that this is a good life. We’ve made life away from each other and we’re both happy now. And I guess it’s a cliche, but it’s true that we made better strangers than lovers.
Although the longing and what ifs are still there, we don’t contact each other anymore. If you’re reading this, I want you to know that I have to block you not because I was bitter but because I had to: self preservation. I don’t hate you. But sometimes I wish that I did.
Always, (your name)
#I Miss You A Lot
Dear my love,
I miss you and it’s been years already since we broke up and I still think about you. About us. Memories are there to fill my empty heart and I’m grateful with that. I’m grateful because you gave me memories to remember when I’m alone and sad.
It’s been years already, and I still wish you the best.
And if someday you feel alone and not wanted, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
You’re always wanted here…in my heart.
And I’m always here to love you.
(Your name)
#Thank You.
When I tried to write you a letter before all I want to say is F*** you and I don’t want you to read it because you don’t deserve it. But I’ve grown. And I don’t want you to think that I’m mad after the breakup because to tell you the truth, you gave me something no one ever gave me – Love.
So instead of getting mad at you or the universe, I thank you. Thank you because you made me feel special and valued. Thank you because you are the first one who broke my heart but it’s okay because my fragile heart is now stronger than before. Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for calling me first. Thank you because I don’t deserve this but still you choose to love me.
Your Always
#Long Distance.
Dear (name),
Something has been bothering me for a while now, and I think I should convey it to you. Initially, I was okay with our long-distance setup because I believed our love would overcome any barrier. But sadly, I was wrong. I don’t think that I am strong enough. I spend too much of my time waiting to hear from you. And when your message does not come, I keep wondering about the possible reasons for the delay in your reply and feel frustrated.
I cannot keep living like this, worrying about you and being uncertain of our relationship. I think we should let go of this relationship and move on in life.
I will always cherish the sweet memories.
#Miles Away.
Dear (name),
You are a wonderful person that I have grown to love so much that I find it has become too difficult to be so far away. Maybe you feel the same? My attachment to you while miles away is driving me crazy. Not being able to touch you and hold you has become too much to bear.
I wish I could, but I am not strong enough to go on with this distance between us. I need to end our relationship for my own sanity. I am so sorry.
Dear (name),
A lot of things change with time, including feelings for people. Even though you hold a special place in my heart, our relationship has come to the point where I don’t feel that we connect like before.
It would be unfair to you if I let it continue this way. You certainly deserve someone who loves you wholeheartedly. Hence, I feel I need to honest with myself and you and let go of our relationship.
I wish for you all the best.
#Not Be The Same.
My Dearest [Name],
Nothing in life is predictable — not even love. What you feel for someone today may not be the same tomorrow. I am saying this as I think my feelings for you have gone through something similar. I don’t feel the same for you as I did when we started dating. I don’t know why this has happened, but I think I should be frank and honest with you.
I feel we need to say goodbye to each other. I hope you move on and find the happiness you deserve in life.
#Falling in Love.
My Love,
Falling in love with you was the best thing that happened to me. Your love helped me grow as a person, and I will always be grateful for it. But we both know that staying together is no longer a viable option for us, and it is time we accept it. Circumstances have changed and have, sadly, worked against us.
I feel like I will never be able to love someone the way I loved you. It is a heartbreaking decision I am making. You will always dwell in my heart no matter where I go in life. All the best to you, and I hope you find someone who will love you even more than I ever did.
My dearest (name),
It is said that you can never forget true love. I know it is a fact because I know I will never be able to forget you. But I have to let you go and end this relationship even though doing so feels like stabbing my own heart. I am willing to suffer this pain because I know you will be happy in your new life.
Thank you for coming into my life and filling it with so much love. I hope, someday, in another universe, we meet sooner and in favorable circumstances.
#Can't Continue.
Dear [Name],
You know I love you and will do anything to see you happy. However, my feelings for you are more like that of a friend and not a lover. I feel protective of you, but I don’t have romantic feelings for you. I guess it is because we share such a good rapport that I mistook it for romantic love. I feel so comfortable with you that caring for you is easy.
You are a wonderful person, and you deserve someone amazing who will love you unconditionally. I hope you understand that I cannot continue being with you in this romantic relationship. If you can, I need to go back to being your best buddy.
Your friend,
#Fallen In Love With Another.
Dear [Name],
It pains me deeply to write this letter, but I can’t think of a better way to convey this to you. I have fallen in love with someone I know at work, and we have decided to get into a relationship. It does not feel right to keep you in the hopes of a long-term relationship when I know I have feelings for someone else.
I hope you find your one true love in life because you can make anyone happy. Try to move on happily in life, and if possible, please forgive me.
#I Have Someone Else.
I know you might hate me for what I’m about to tell you, but trust me, I never meant to do it in the first place. I have found someone else in life for whom I feel something stronger than camaraderie. I tried my best to stay loyal to our relationship, but, somehow, my heart betrayed me. And it is no fault of yours because you are an amazing partner, and I truly cherish every moment spent together.
I hope you forgive me and have a happy life with someone who will love you for the wonderful person that you are.
If you think not telling me about your office affair can keep me in the dark forever, you must be really foolish. I know what you have been up to with your affair. I wish you had the courage to end it with me before beginning your other relationship.
Needless to say, I am done with you, and I hope you learn to treat a relationship better in the future.
#Don't Call Me.
Kindly come and pick your stuff from the carton box I have placed right beside my mailbox because I know you are cheating on me. I do not wish to have a cheater step into my house or my life ever again.
Please do not call me or text me to clarify anything because I know everything you have been up to behind my back.. You do not exist for me anymore, so do not expect me to ever speak to you again.
#I Blocked You.
I hope no one ever goes through the fear and humiliation I experienced with you. Love is supposed to make you happy, not scared. I do not wish to be on the receiving end of your mood swings and temper anymore. We are done.
Do not try to contact me ever again, as I have blocked you from my life.
#Different Future Plan.
Dear (name),
I am happy for all that you have achieved in life. I feel proud of you. But let’s be a little more practical about our future together. We are aware of how our career plans might take us on different paths and how it can be impossible to maintain our relationship. Also, we both want different things in life, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot deny that our aims and goals in life are very important for us.
I do not want our relationship to come in the way of our career goals. So, let’s give our story a happy ending and set out on our preferred paths in life. I will always cherish our wonderful memories together. All the best for your future.
#Amount of Money.
Initially, it was out of love that I would foot all your bills, but now you have made it a habit. I don’t mind spending on someone I love, but the problem here is that you do not giveback. It seems like what you love is the amount of money I am willing to spend on you, and for some time this has been an unfaire imbalance in our relationship.
I think it is high time I safeguard my heart.
#Your Attitude.
When have I not tried to help you out of your financial mess? No matter what problem I try to help you with, you get yourself into another the very next moment. I cannot take this anymore. Do not think it is your financial condition that is my problem. It is not. My problem is your attitude toward money handling.
If we are to have a future together, I need you to be more serious about handling money well so we can have a happy family together. But your attitude toward money and life is not ideal for a life partner, so I have decided to break up with you.
All the best for your future. I hope you find someone who is ready to splash their money on you.
#My Decision.
Dear [Name],
I hate to disclose this to you in this manner, but writing a letter is the only way I can think of right now because I may not be able to face you while telling you this. I have been having a tough time keeping up with your expectations from me as a partner. I’m afraid I cannot give you the commitment you are looking for in this relationship.
And let me tell you that my decision has nothing to do with you, and rather, it is my inability to commit. You are a wonderful person, and I know for sure you will find someone who will value your companionship for life.
I’m sorry to break this out so suddenly. Please try to understand that I had to do it to avoid more pain for either of us. All the best in your life.
#The Best Way.
Dear (name),
This letter might come as a shock to you, but trust me, this is the best way I could think of to divulge this news to you. For the past few months, I have been trying to let you know of it but could never get it out of me. I don’t think I am ready for a long-term commitment with you. I really like you and enjoy your company, but I do not feel prepared to take our relationship to the next level.
I feel like I am making the biggest mistake of my life, but this looks like the right thing to do right now. You need to know that you are an amazing person, and having you for life would be the biggest achievement for anyone. But I think I am not prepared to handle that kind of responsibility, and so, letting you go is the best thing to do for both of us.
I hope you do not hate me for this. Have a wonderful life ahead.
#Walk Away.
Dearest [Name],
After spending enough time with your family, I realized that I just do not fit in with your folks. I might be wrong or could be imagining this, but I feel that your family does not quite approve of me. I feel like they do not like me and would like to see you with someone else than me.
It would be selfish of me to ask you to pick either your family or me; hence, I have chosen to walk away from this relationship. I fear you would try to talk me out of this decision or change my mind, which is why I am writing this letter to you. Please try to understand. I cannot stay in a relationship where the most important people in your life disapprove of me. I’m sorry we are breaking up this way.
#Didn't Get Along Well.
Dear [Name],
You may or may not have noticed, but in the last few times we were with your family, I did not get along well with them. Honestly, I always felt like an outsider whenever I was with your family. I tried to blend in and be a part of your family, but either your family did not help, or I did not work hard enough to be accepted by them.
You are an amazing person, but I don’t think we can last long if I do not get along with your family, especially when I know how much they mean to you. It is best we end this now and look for partners more suitable for us. I hope you understand.
Have a great life ahead.
Good luck.
#You Don't Deserve.
When I fell in love with you, I thought it was the start of the most beautiful journey of my life. Now, because of your treatment of me, the mere thought of you sucks the happiness out of my life. I wish to erase every single memory associated with you because you do not deserve a place in my life.
Stay away from me and do not try to contact me because I will never respond.
#Long Distance Relationship.
I need to express something, and while a letter felt like my only option due to our distance, I hope you know I am writing this with a sad heart. I would be lying if I said I had not hoped for our relationship to work out. When we met, I sincerely believed you were it.
Yet, over the past few months, I have come to realise that we have grown apart. The distance between us is like a barrier. We don’t see each other as often as I think we need to, for this relationship to last. I just need more.
That is why I am writing you this letter, I think it is time we put an end to the emotional stress of missing each other, but not always being able to see each other.
The fact that I could not be present at your [recent event] to support you, is part of what made me realize you also deserve more.
Take care and thank you for the memories.
I am sorry that time and communication has not helped to remove the image of you with someone else from my mind or heart. You cheated on me, instead of coming to me with whatever was making you feel unsatisfied.
In some ways, I can understand – I don’t completely blame you. But I cannot accept that you chose not to be honest with me.
I cannot see how we move past this – I have realized I can’t trust you.
I know you say you still love me. I still love you, but I don’t think that is enough without communication and trust.
I hope you take the time to reflect on why you chose to have an affair instead of working through it, before committing to someone else.
Please do not contact me, it will hurt too much, and it’s best if we both move on.
Take care.
#Explaining your life goals are just too different.
We are at that stage in our lives where, I believe, it is important we start looking at our partner’s goals and aspirations, and their plans to achieve them.
We have been together for a while now and I have clearly highlighted what I want in life.
When I look at your goals and motivation to achieve them, I realize that we are, unfortunately, headed in different directions. I think if you look at what we each want, you too will see they’re different.
I wish I could say that love is enough of a reason to move on, regardless of this, but I don’t want to end up not loving you, because I resent these differences.
I’m sorry I’ve hurt you. I hope you see it is for the best.
#Don’t want to commit.
It is extremely important that I get this off my chest. Over the past few months, I have really been struggling to keep up with this relationship and I think it is beginning to take a toll on me.
It’s literally not you, I think you are great and if I were in a place where I wanted to have a partner, I think we would be amazing.
But, if we’re going to be honest, you don’t want me to stick around if I know I don’t want to be in this relationship. I think you deserve more than that.
I think it is time we ended this.
I am sorry if this is a surprise. I’m sorry that I have let you down and I hope someday you accept my apology. I just can’t continue in this relationship when, ultimately, it will only hurt us both.
Take care.
#Don’t mix well with their family.
People say when you are in a relationship with a person, you are in a relationship with their family and friends too. I believe this to be true, and sadly, I must tell you I feel like I just don’t fit with your family.
When we are with them, I seem to feel left-out. It may just be me, but honestly, I feel like they don’t want to accept me, because they don’t like me. I know we are different, but I thought the fact that we all loved you, would be enough to make it work.
I love you so much, but I cannot ask you to choose between me and your entire family. I also hope you respect I am not actually asking you too either, because I want to be with someone where, no matter what, I don’t feel alone.
We don’t have that and at this point, I think we’ve been together long enough that if it were going to happen, it would have.
I think you are amazing, and I am so sorry this can not work out between us.
#The spark has left the relationship.
My dearest,
Writing this letter seems to be the most heart-breaking thing I have ever had to do. This moment is one I had never thought would come. So, imagine my surprise.
We not only love each other, but we have a partnership unlike any I’ve experienced. We have endured and experienced many incredible things and I have so much respect for you and everything you are. Honestly, when I think of moving on without you, I can’t picture it yet.
I just know for both our sakes, I must.
Passion, like respect, is a vital part of a relationship. Our companion-like love is not going to sustain us.
I am truly sorry for making this seem like a selfish decision. Please remember, I once sparked a passion in you, that has long since dimmed, too. This is for both of us.
By undefined
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